Westerhill Regeneration Area
The 300-hectare site at Westerhill Regeneration Area (WRA) is part of the Council's £34.88 million Place and Growth Programme – supported by the UK and Scottish Governments through the Glasgow City Region City Deal.
The WRA planning guidance was adopted and became part of the Council’s Local Development Plan (LDP2) – at a meeting of East Dunbartonshire Council on 26 September 2024.
The Masterplan delivers a long-term vision to shape development within the WRA and encourage investment. It is also subject to other key policy parameters, such as protecting the natural environment.
The Masterplan is formal planning guidance under the adopted LDP2 and will therefore be a material consideration when determining planning applications for any proposals within the WRA. An associated Delivery Strategy sets out a plan for funding and development to be taken forward over the short, medium and long term (see Section 3 and Appendix H of the planning guidance – available from the Documents section below)
- Welcome to Westerhill Regeneration Area – a guide for businesses and investors pdf, Size: 4.62 MBytes
- Planning Guidance – Westerhill Regeneration Area Masterplan pdf, Size: 13 MBytes
- Appendix H – Delivery Plan – Westerhill Regeneration Area Masterplan pdf, Size: 2 MBytes
- SEA Environmental Report Westerhill Regeneration Area pdf, Size: 3 MBytes
- SEA Post Adoption Statement Westerhill Regeneration Area Masterplan pdf, Size: 931 Kbytes
- Environmental Sustainability Plan Westerhill Regeneration Area pdf, Size: 2 MBytes.
In preparation of the Masterplan, the Council carried out a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA), in line with the Environmental Assessment (Scotland) Act 2005. As required by law, a Post Adoption Statement (PAS) has been produced, providing information on a series of points which is available from the Documents section of this webpage.
Paper reference copies of the Masterplan planning guidance, SEA and PAS can be viewed, free of charge, at a Council venue (by arrangement) – please email citydeal@eastdunbarton.gov.uk
The Masterplan is a long-term, overall framework for the development of "land parcels" and will be used as guidance for future planning applications. It also identifies land for the delivery of the Westerhill Development Road.
Initial consultation took place between 11 April and 16 May 2023 with further consultation between 15 April and 6 May 2024.
Long-term objectives of the Masterplan, subject to external funding being secured, include:
- Create good quality jobs for Bishopbriggs, Auchinairn and the wider community, with a potential mix of uses – such as business, research and development, manufacturing and outdoor recreation
- The protection and enhancement of the High and Low Moss areas, and peat soil
- The creation of green links, and health and wellbeing improvements via path accessibility, active travel, public transport and open spaces to improve access to employment opportunities
- Road improvements
- The refurbishment of vacant buildings and improvements to the existing Westerhill Industrial Estate.