Pay It
The Council issues bills for Council Tax, House and Garage Rents and Business Rates, as well as Debtor Invoices for many other chargeable services.
Some services are payable at the time of request via MyEDC or Customer Services – these include special uplifts, Building Control fees, Planning fees and copies of Local Plans; others may be payable at the time of request or at the point of delivery, e.g. the use of leisure facilities, hall hires or school meals. You should contact the relevant service or location for further information on how you can pay for these.
There are several different ways you can pay the Council:
- By Direct Debit
- By Telephone
- By Standing Order, BACS or Home Banking
- Online.
Pay it online
To give you more of a choice when paying for some of your Council services, you can now pay online using your Visa, Mastercard, Maestro or Delta cards.
What can I pay?
You can pay:
- Council Tax
- House and Garage Rents
- Parking Fines
- Business Rates
- Invoice Payments including lets
- Miscellaneous payments (The Miscellaneous payments link will allow you to pay for the following):
- Environmental Health Certificates
- Fixed Penalties
- Mapping, Street Naming & Numbering
- Parking Permits
- Planning & Building Standards Fees
- Registration Services
- Short-term Lets
- Special Uplifts Inspection only & Commercial Uplifts.
Additional services will be added as we continue to develop this facility.
* Our Online Payments service may not be available at certain times due to scheduled maintenance - for details of dates and times, visit our Scheduled Downtime page.
Security Information
Your transaction is now taking place within a secure payment system. We use Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology, a standard supported by most major Internet browsers. All of your personal and card details are protected using 128 bit encryption, when transmitted over the Internet. Your card details are stored on a server behind a secure firewall. Only authorised personnel may access this information.
If you experience any difficulty making a payment online, please email us, giving us your name, reference number, daytime telephone number and a short description of the problem.
Direct debit
By completing a Direct Debit Instruction, payments can be collected from your bank account when they are due - you don't have to remember to make your payment each time.
Select one of the links below to download the relevant form.
Send the completed form back to Revenue Services or Housing Services, William Patrick Library, 2/4 West High Street, Kirkintilloch, G66 1AD.
If you are unable to print off a form from this website, contact us on the phone number or email address shown to request one.
Council Tax Direct Debit Instruction
There is a choice of three payment dates; the 1st, 15th or 28th of each month. You can choose to spread your payment over 10 months from April to January or 12 Months from April to March – just tick the relevant box on the form.
Rent Direct Debit Instruction
There is a choice of two payment dates; the 1st or 15th of each month. Payments are collected over 12 instalments.
Business Rates Direct Debit Instruction
Payments are collected on the 7th of each month over 10 instalments from May to February.
Sundry Debtors Direct Debit Instruction
If you receive regular invoices from East Dunbartonshire Council for services that are billed on a four weekly/monthly basis, why not pay your invoices by Direct Debit? There is a choice of two payment dates; the 1st or 15th of each month.
In person
You can pay for services using your debit or credit card at one of our chip & pin / contactless terminals located at our Customer Service desks within our Community Hubs.
If you are visiting the Hub to pay your Council Tax or Rent, you should always bring your payment card with you.
For any other bills/charges, please bring your bill or a note of your payment reference.
Cash, Cheques and Postal Orders are no longer be accepted at our Community Hubs.
Cheques and Postal Orders should be made payable to 'East Dunbartonshire Council’ and then posted to:
Revenue Services
East Dunbartonshire Council
William Patrick Library
2/4 West High Street
Glasgow, G66 1AD
Please write your name, address, telephone number and payment reference on the reverse side.
At Post Offices and/or Pay Point outlets
If you want to pay your bills by cash, you can take your Council Tax/Rent payment card or your bill/invoice and make a cash payment at either the local Post Office and/or PayPoint outlet. Card payments are also accepted at these outlets.
Barcodes will be provided on bills / invoices to be scanned at the Post Office and/or PayPoint outlets. PayPoint terminals are located in a wide variety of local convenience stores such as SPAR, Sainsbury’s, CO-OP, etc.
If you do not have a bill / invoice with a barcode to make your payment, please contact our Customer Services team on 0300 123 4510 for guidance.
Please note: Council Tax payments made at a Post Office can only be credited to the current year's bill.
By post
Send a cheque or postal order, crossed and made payable to ‘East Dunbartonshire Council’, to
Revenue Services
East Dunbartonshire Council
William Patrick Library
2/4 West High Street
G66 1AD
Please write your name, address and payment reference on the back.
Payment by telephone
Pay with a debit or credit card *
- To our 24-hour automated service (TouchTone) on 0300 123 4524 - you should remain on the line until you are given a reference number for the transaction; or
- To our Customer Services on 0300 123 4510 from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.
Payment by Standing Order, BACs or home banking
You will need to give your bank the Council’s bank details as follows and make sure they quote the payment reference number shown on your bill:-
Bank Name: Virgin Money, 110 Cowgate, Kirkintilloch, G66 1JU
Bank Sort Code: 82-69-13
Bank Account Number: (please note the different bank account number for each type of bill:
- 80000601 - for Council Tax
- 80000577 - for Rent (download a pre-printed Rent Standing Order mandate here)
- 80000585 - for Business Rates
- 80000593 - for Debtor Invoices
Payment by bank transfer is not suitable for any other type of bill/charge, apart from those listed above.
District Court Fines - for more information on how and where to pay these, please visit the Scot Courts website.