East Dunbartonshire Performance
The Council manages performance through Our Strategic Planning and Performance Framework which seeks to ensure that we have a firm set of strategic priorities and a clear framework for the delivery of these priorities.
It also ensures everything we do aligns to the Local Outcomes Improvement Plan (LOIP) which is the primary strategic plan for all the Community Planning Partners in East Dunbartonshire.
Performance management is about how we plan and manage improvements to our services. In simple terms, performance management enables decision makers, both elected members and officers, to take necessary action based on facts about our performance.
The Council is committed to continuously improving the performance of our services and being open and transparent about how well we are doing. Our aim is to be a sustainable, thriving and achieving organisation which provides high-quality services for our local people and their communities.
By looking at the sections below, you can find out if we are meeting our targets, achieving national outcomes, what our improvement plans are and whether performance has improved since last year.
Local Outcomes Improvement Plan 2017-2027
The 'Local Outcomes Improvement Plan' is the primary strategic plan for all the Community Planning Partners in East Dunbartonshire. It describes why and how we will work together to organise and provide services that tackle inequalities. It includes a set of 10 year goals on matters like employment and health.
East Dunbartonshire Forward in Partnership
Our East Dunbartonshire Forward in Partnership approach to strategic planning articulates the high level priorities across all service areas, these priorities have been informed from the Local Outcomes Improvement Plan (LOIP) and through engagement with our communities.
Service Level Business Improvement Planning (BIPs)
Business Improvement Plans (BIPS) are rolling strategic plans which set out the priorities of each Strategic Group and outline how Executive Officers intend to measure performance against these priorities. All priorities must demonstrate links to the LOIP as well as our high level corporate priorities. The BIP also outlines the financial goals for each Strategic Group and how they intend to work with local communities to inform service delivery.
Read each services Business Improvement Planning (BIPs):
- Assets and Facilities Business Improvement Plan
- Community Services Business Improvement Plan
- Customer Services and Organisation Development Business Improvement Plan
- East Dunbartonshire Leisure and Culture Trust Business Improvement Plan
- Education Business Improvement Plan
- Finance and Digital Services Business Improvement Plan
- Health and Social Care Partnership Business Improvement Plan
- Legal and Regulatory Services Business Improvement Plan
- Land Planning and Development Business Improvement Plan
- Roads and Neighbourhood Services Business Improvement Plan
Service level performance indicators
As well as providing a narrative on progress and setting out the strategic priorities the BIPS also outline action plans and performance indicators which will be used to report progress on Business Improvement Plans.
The Council has a suite of just over 100 Performance Indicators we use to measure our performance against our agreed priorities. These performance indicators are reported on a quarterly basis. Indicators have been given a Red, Amber or Green status relative to how they have performed against targets agreed in the Business Improvement Plans.
Read each services performance indicators:
- Assets and Facilities Performance indicators
- Community Services Performance Indicators
- Customer Services and Organisation Development Performance Indicators
- East Dunbartonshire Leisure and Culture Trust Performance Indicators
- Education Performance Indicators
- Finance and Digital Services Performance Indicators
- Health and Social Care Partnership Performance Indicators
- Legal and Regulatory Services Performance Indicators
- Land Planning and Development Performance Indicators
- Roads and Neighbourhood Services Performance Indicators
Annual Performance Report
The Council’s annual Public Performance Report provides a high level overview of performance across all Council services and aligns our performance to the six local priority outcomes and guiding principles of our Local Outcomes Improvement Plan. The report also highlights a number of case studies across service areas as well as change over time comparisons of all of our key performance indicators.
How Good is Our Service? Performance Reporting
Reporting on the progress made against the Business Improvement Plans (BIPS) uses the How Good Is Our Service (HGIOS) self-evaluation model. Progress against service priorities is reported on a regular basis, including updates on the key performance indicators used to measure our performance. The latest reports can be found below.
- How Good is Our Service - January 2024
- How Good is Our Service - February 2024
- How Good is Our Service - March 2024
- How Good is Our Service - April 2024
- How Good is Our Service - May 2024
- How Good is Our Service - June 2024
- How Good is Our Service - July 2024
- How Good is Our Service - August 2024
- How Good is Our Service - September 2024
- How Good is Our Service - October 2024
- How Good is Our Service - November 2024
- How Good is Our Service - December 2024
- How Good is Our Service - January 2025
Local Government Benchmarking Frame work
Councils are required to report on performance information using the Local Government Benchmarking Framework (LGBF) each year and this is reported on and can be read on Local Government Benching Marking Framework website.
This information enables you to assess and compare how we are performing against other councils across a range of service areas covering: children's services; corporate services; social work services; cultural and leisure services; environmental services; housing services; corporate assets and economic development.
You can also read the latest annual benchmarking report based on the most recent publication of the LGBF data which provides further detail of how East Dunbartonshire compares against other Council Areas in key benchmarking indicators.
Best Value Reports
The Best Value Audit of East Dunbartonshire Council has concluded. The findings are contained within the published version of the Best Value Assurance Report.
Focus on Performance: Case studies
In addition to our How Good is Our Service reporting, as part of our commitment to reporting on outcomes we include a monthly case study on a service area highlighting the impact of our performance on service users.
External Audit and Inspection Reports
East Dunbartonshire Council are regularly inspected by external bodies to ensure that we provide the best possible service and adhere to quality standards.
Care Inspectorate
The Care Inspectorate is a scrutiny body which assess the quality of care in Scotland to ensure it meets high standards.
Education Scotland
Education Scotland is a Scottish Government executive agency charged with supporting quality and improvement in Scottish Education. They have an inspection process aimed in evaluating the quality of learning and teaching in Scottish schools and education services.
Scottish Housing Regulator
The Scottish Housing regulator is an independent regulator of Registered Social Landlord and Local Authority housing services in Scotland. They protect the interests of tenants, people who are homeless, and others who use social landlord’s services.
To search for East Dunbartonshire reports please visit the Scottish Housing Regulator website.
Healthcare Improvement Scotland
Healthcare Improvement Scotland has the aim of supporting better quality health and social care for everyone in Scotland. There priorities include providing quality assurance that gives people confidence in the quality and sustainability of services and also supports providers of Healthcare to improve.
To search for East Dunbartonshire reports please visit the Healthcare Improvement Scotland website.
Food Standards Scotland
Food standards Scotland audits local authority’s food law enforcement services. These audits focus on the local authority’s capacity and capability for delivering official controls.
To search for East Dunbartonshire reports please visit Food Standards Scotland website.
Audit Scotland
Audit Scotland is a statutory body providing services to the Accounts Commission and the Auditor General for Scotland (AGS). Working together, the Accounts Commission, the AGS and Audit Scotland ensure that public sector bodies in Scotland are held to account for the proper, efficient and effective use of public funds.
Search for East Dunbartonshire reports on the Audit Scotland website.