Important announcement

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Closing date


This consultation closed on 15th January 2021. No further responses will be accepted.

On Thursday 20 August 2020, East Dunbartonshire Council approved the Proposed Local Development Plan 2 for publication and commencement of the representation period. The representation period will begin on Monday 19 October 2020 and end on Friday 15 January 2021. This means that the Proposed Plan is now the Council’s settled view on the land use strategy for East Dunbartonshire and will be a material consideration in the assessment of planning applications.

The Council has approved the following documents for public consultation:

  • Proposed Local Development Plan 2
  • Environmental Report
  • Proposed Delivery Programme - sets out how the Council expects each policy and proposal within the Proposed Plan to be implemented
  • Proposed Sustainability and Energy Statement Form - this will support Policy 9: Climate Change, Sustainability and Energy Infrastructure, which is a new policy
  • Additional Site Assessments for Nine Sites Submitted During the Main Issues Report Consultation in 2019. These are an extract from the Monitoring Statement Appendix 8: Site Assessments
  • Habitats Regulations Appraisal.

Supporting documents to be published alongside the Plan include the Main Issues Report (MIR) Report of Consultation, Monitoring Statement, evidence reports and a programme of work for Supplementary and Planning Guidance.

We now want to hear your views on these documents as part of this consultation – details of how to respond are set out below. We would encourage you to use the Representation Form and submit this by email where possible. Alternatively, you can submit the Representation Form to the address below. We are also happy to receive comments in any other format provided it is clear and legible.

Email responses -

Postal Address

Land Planning Policy
Broomhill Industrial Estate
Kilsyth Road
G66 1TP

Telephone – 0300 123 4510