Consultation on East Dunbartonshire Sports Playing Pitch Assessment & Strategy Report
This consultation is now closed.
Thank you to everyone who took the time to fill in the survey. We are now collating and analysing your responses.
This consultation is an opportunity for residents and interested parties to have their say on the draft Playing Pitch Assessment and Strategy Report for East Dunbartonshire.
The report was commissioned by East Dunbartonshire Council and East Dunbartonshire Leisure and Culture (EDLC) and prepared by Knight Kavanagh & Page Ltd (KKP).
In agreement with sportscotland the report presents a supply and demand assessment of playing pitch facilities in accordance with Sport England’s guidance entitled “Developing a Playing Pitch Strategy. It has been followed to develop a clear picture of the balance between the local supply of, and demand for, playing pitches.
This public consultation on the draft report and recommendations follows a process of in-depth, targeted consultation across sports clubs and organisations throughout the local authority area.
This consultation runs from Monday 4 November until Sunday 1 December.
Please read the East Dunbartonshire Sports Playing Pitch Assessment & Strategy Report and the Draft Recommendations document on the consultation webpage then complete the short online survey to share your views.
There is also an opportunity to find out more and have your say at a drop-in consultation event at Huntershill Sports Hub, 35 Auchinairn Road, Bishopbriggs, on 27 November, from 7.15pm - 9.15pm.