Important announcement

For opening hours and service changes over the festive period, please visit our Festive Information web page.

All Early Learning and Childcare services are registered with and inspected by the Care Inspectorate and Education Scotland.

Further information on registered childcare services, including copies of Inspection Reports and grades achieved, are available.

Visit the Care Inspectorate website.

Visit the Education Scotland website.

Quality assurance

As well as inspections, the council ensure quality assurance practices are implemented within both local authority Early Learning Childcare Centres (ELC) and funded partner provider ELCs.

Partnership working with East Dunbartonshire Council

East Dunbartonshire Council are the primary guarantors of quality for all of our Early learning and Childcare Centres. This is supported and monitored by Quality Improvement Officers, Early Level Support Teachers and Early Years support officer visits. We build positive relationships across our Early learning and Childcare community and develop the workforce through access to Professional Learning opportunities and regular meetings.

Involving parents and children

Services involve parents and children in the life of the centre and their developments through questionnaires, surveys and consultations as well as active participation events within centres.

Involving staff

Services will complete self-evaluation tasks to improve practice within the centre using various frameworks; Health and Social Care Standards, Building the Ambition, How Good is Our Early and Childcare and the new Shared Inspection Framework which will be introduced in the near future.

All centres work with short term and long term improvements which can be accessed in individual centres.