Early years admissions policy
1.1 High quality early learning and childcare
East Dunbartonshire Council is committed to the provision of high quality early learning and childcare for all children.
East Dunbartonshire Council (the Council) is committed to the provision of high-quality early learning and childcare for all children. The aim is to provide places that meet the needs and requirements of both children and families, offering flexible, affordable and accessible provision where possible. This document provides guidance on the admission of 0-5 year old children into local authority early years centres, including guidance on the charging of any requested extended hours. The policy also covers the application process for all three and four year old children and eligible two year olds accessing places with a funded provider in partnership with the Council. The Early Years Admissions Policy sits within the context of the Education Service Early Years Strategic Plan. The Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014 determines the eligibility of children, who are entitled to early learning and childcare and the policy has been updated to reflect the increase to 1140 funded hours.
1140 hours delivery models
2.1 Overview
The pattern of attendance available in local authority early years centres is as follows:
Option 1 - Funded hours only with no fees – extended year over 48 weeks (1st August and 31st July)
Times | Blocks | Funded hours only with no fees |
8:00am – 12:45pm |
1 |
Max of five blocks per week. Combination of both am/pm and/or full days is available. |
1:15pm – 6:00pm |
1 |
Max of five blocks per week. Combination of both am/pm and/or full days is available. |
8:00am – 5:30pm |
2 |
Max of five blocks per week. Combination of both am/pm and/or full days is available. |
Option 2 - Funded hours with extended hours – extended year over 48 weeks (1st August and 31st July)
Times | Funded hours with additional wrap around |
8:00am – 12:45pm 1:15pm – 6:00pm 8:00am – 5:00pm 8:00am – 5:30pm 8:00am – 6:00pm |
A combination of hours can be chosen from blocks detailed. Any hours over 23 hours 45 minutes per week will be charged at the hourly rate (NB: rate is subject to change - see Early Years FAQs section on the Council website. |
Option 3 - Funded hours only with no fees - term time over 38 weeks (First through to last day of school term)
Times | Funded hours only with no fees |
9.00am – 3.00pm |
Pattern follows school term and hours. Applies only to Craighead Early Years Centre in Milton of Campsie and Meadowburn Gaelic Early Years Centre in Bishopbriggs. |
2.2 Local Authority provision
Allocation of places is carried out by locality, following the admissions criteria banding outlined in Section 3. Each locality provides a range of provision. The locality areas are set out below.
Local Authority provision - accordion
Local Authority Early Years Centres (Provision)
- Baljaffray Early Years Centre
(3-5 year old, extended year, 8am-6pm) - Bearsden Early Years Centre
(3-5 year old, extended year, 8am-6pm) - Castlehill Early Years Centre
(3-5 year old, extended year, 8am-6pm) - Clober Early Years Centre
(3-5 year old, extended year, 8am-6pm) - Colquhoun Park Early Years Centre
(3-5 year old, extended year, 8am-6pm) - Killermont Early Years Centre
(3-5 year old, extended year, 8am-6pm) - Milngavie Early Years Centre
(3-5 year old, extended year, 8am-6pm) - Oakburn Early Years Centre
(3-5 year old, extended year, 8am-6pm) - Torrance Early Years Centre
(3-5 year old, extended year, 8am-6pm)
Local Authority Early Years Centres (Provision)
- Auchinairn Early Years Centre
(2-5 year old, extended year, 8am-6pm) - Cleddens Early Years Centre
(0-5 year old, extended year, 8am-6pm) - Meadowburn Early Years Centre
(3-5 year old, extended year, 8am-6pm) - Meadowburn Gaelic Medium Early Years Centre*
(3-5 year old, term time, 9am-3pm)
* Meadowburn Gaelic Provision is open to all East Dunbartonshire Council residents
Local Authority Early Years Centre (Provision)
- Craighead Early Years Centre
(2-5 year old, term time, 9am-3pm) - Gartconner Early Years Centre
(2-5 year old, extended year, 8am-6pm) - Hillhead Early Years Centre
(0-5 year old, extended year, 8am-6pm) - Holy Family Early Years Centre
(3-5 year old, extended year, 8am-6pm) - Lairdsland Early Years Centre
(2-5 year old, extended year, 8am-6pm) - Lennoxtown Early Years Centre
(0-5 year old, extended year, 8am-6pm) - Lenzie Meadow Early Years Centre
(2-5 year old, extended year, 8am-6pm) - Twechar Early Years Centre
(2-5 year old, extended year, 8am-6pm)
2.3 Meals and snacks
All eligible children accessing 1140 hour provision will be entitled to a funded meal, provided during funded hours allocation. Details of the meals provided can be accessed from individual early years centres. Healthy snacks, milk and water will be provided throughout the day for all children.
Funded providers is a term introduced by the Scottish Government to mean any provider of the funded early learning and childcare hours, including local authority provision or providers in the private, independent or third ‘not-for-profit’ sectors, and childminders. In order to become a funded provider within the Council, providers will be required to meet the Scottish Government National Standard for Early Learning and Childcare providers and meet a financial sustainability standard as outlined in the tendering process with the Council. Local authorities are the guarantors of quality provision.
Applicants can choose to use their entitlement with a funded provider and/or a childminder, who is working in partnership with the Council. Providers who are not in partnership cannot claim funding for eligible hours.
2.4.1 Funded provider admissions policy and delivery models
Funded provider early years centres and childminders have their own admission policy and delivery models. Applicants should speak with their chosen provider to ensure they are in partnership and have a space available; the funded provider will have responsibility for the allocation of places at their provision. Applicants are required to complete the appropriate online application to secure their child’s funding once their place is confirmed with their chosen provider, within the timescales in section 4.5.
2.5 Split/shared placement
Applicants can access their funding with more than one provider. An example of this is a local authority early years centre and a funded provider early years centre and/or a childminder. Another example is to split funding across two early years centres or childminders in different council areas. To ensure continuity of care for children, it is recommended that applicants take a minimum of two blocks with providers. Applicants can specify on the application form as to how the funded hours are to be allocated.
How places are allocated
3.1 Eligibility criteria
The criteria is as follows:
- All children aged four, including those in their deferred entry to primary school year, are eligible for a funded
- Three year old children who turn 3 between first day in August and the last day in February and are resident in East Dunbartonshire become eligible for funded early learning and childcare the day after their third birthday, if choosing funded provision within East Dunbartonshire Council.
- Three your old children who turn 3 between 1 March and 31st July residing in East Dunbartonshire funding will commence in August of the new academic year
- Eligible two year old children become eligible for funded early learning and childcare from the term after their second birthday. The and s subject to review annually. The up-to-date criteria can also be found under the FAQs section of the Early Years How to Apply page.
3.2 Admissions criteria for children aged three and four years old, including four year old children in their deferred entry place
The following criteria sets out the process for allocating funded hours places for all eligible three and four year old children.
(a) Child Protection and/or safeguarding is in place for the child by the Social Work Department, Education Services Educational Psychology and/or Health Services. This includes supporting young parent(s) wishing to remain in school.
(b) Requests for Assistance from Social Work, Health and/or Education, considered and agreed by a multi-agency locality panel (see section 7).
(a) Deferred Entry Children: any child who turns five between the first day of school term in August and the last day in February whose parent has exercised their right to defer entry to primary school (see section 4.4) - prioritised if returning to the same local authority early years centre
(b) Four Year Old Returning Children: any child returning to the same local authority early years centre for their four year old place.
(a) Ring-Fenced Three-Year-Old Places: A percentage of places will be ring fenced for three-year-old children within each early years centre to ensure a mix of age groups across all early years centres. Priority is given to children who have attended the early years centre as a paying and/or supported two or three-year old place. This ensures continuity of care for the children. For all other applications, priority will be given to children who:
- Reside within the locality
- Have siblings that attend the same early years
Any remaining ring-fenced spaces will be filled in order of children’s date of birth. Where there is one place and more than one child shares the same date of birth, a ballot would take place. Once ring-fenced spaces are filled, the remaining three year old applications should be considered under criteria 3c.
- Reside within the locality
- Have siblings that attend the same early years.
Any remaining ring-fenced spaces will be filled in order of children’s date of birth. Where there is one place and more than one child shares the same date of birth, a ballot would take place. Once ring-fenced spaces are filled, the remaining three year old applications should be considered under criteria 3c.
(b) Returning Deferred Entry Children (2a) or Four-Year- Old Children
(2c): who wish to attend a different local authority early years centre within the locality.
(c) Residing within the Locality: New applications for children aged four or three years old that reside within the locality. Priority will be given to any of the children who have siblings that attend the same early years centre.
Places will then be filled in order of children’s date of birth. Where there is one place and more than one child shares the same date of birth, a ballot would take place. Where demand outweighs capacity for first choice early years centre we will aim to offer second choice early years centre; failing that, another early years centre in that locality will be offered (Section 2.2).
(d) Residing out with the Locality: New applications for children aged four or three years old that reside out with the locality, but within East Dunbartonshire Council. Priority will be given to any of these children who have siblings that attend the same early years centre.
Places will then be filled in order of children’s date of birth. Where there is one place and more than one child shares the same date of birth, a ballot would take place. Where demand outweighs capacity for first choice early years centre we will aim to offer second choice early years centre; failing that, another early years centre in that locality will be offered (Section 2.2).
Children residing out with East Dunbartonshire will be considered for a funded place after all East Dunbartonshire resident children have been accommodated.
Due to the high demand for places from East Dunbartonshire residents for local authority early years centres, applicants living out with East Dunbartonshire Council are advised to also apply to their own local authority for a funded place.
3.3 Extended hours in local authority early years centres
Applications for the purchase of extended hours in local authority early years centres will be made where capacity allows and will be prioritised as per the admissions criteria set out in section 3.2.
Applying for a place
4.1 Babies aged six weeks to two years old
The following three local authority early years centres offer places for children under the age of two for both supported placements and paying places. Those seeking a supported place must first contact their Health Visitor and discuss the request for assistance process (see section 7).
Local Authority Early Years Centres
- Cleddens Early Years Centre, Bishopbriggs
- Hillhead Early Years Centre, Kirkintilloch
- Lennoxtown Early Years Centre, Lennoxtown.
4.1.2 How to apply for a place for a baby six weeks to two years old
An online application can be submitted to request a supported place or paying place. Applicants should be aware that a place for a child under two years does not automatically mean they will transition to a two year old place within that early years centre, as this is dependent on capacity within centre. Where possible, the transition will be facilitated to provide continuity for the child.
4.1.3 Admissions process and criteria for children six weeks to two years old, residing in East Dunbartonshire
The following set of criteria sets out the process for allocating places for children six weeks to two years. These spaces are ring-fenced for East Dunbartonshire Council residents.
4.1.3 Criteria
(a) Child Protection and/or safeguarding is in place for the child by the Social Work Department, Education Services Educational Psychology and/or Health Services. This includes supporting young parent(s) wishing to remain in school.
(b) Requests for Assistance from Social Work, Health and/or Education, considered and agreed by a multi-agency locality panel (see section 7).
(a) Resident within locality. Where possible, priority will be given to children who have a sibling that attends the same early years centre
(b) Resident outside locality but within East Dunbartonshire.
4.2 Two to three year old places
The local authority early years centres detailed below offer provision for children aged two years old. Funded providers may have capacity for eligible two year old children; applicants must secure places with funded providers prior to applying for funding.
Area: Bearsden
Locality: Bearsden/Milngavie/Torrance
Local Authority Early Years Centres: Bearsden Early Years Centre, Castlehill Early Years Centre, Colquhoun Park Early Years Centre
Area: Milngavie
Locality: Bearsden/Milngavie/Torrance
Local Authority Early Years Centres: Clober Early Years Centre, Oakburn Early Years Centre
Area: Bishopbriggs
Locality: Bishopbriggs
Local Authority Early Years Centres: Auchinairn Early Years Centre, Cleddens Early Years Centre
Area: Kirkintilloch
Locality: Kirkintilloch/Lenzie/The Villages
Local Authority Early Years Centres: Lairdsland Early Years Centre, Gartconner Early Years Centre, Hillhead Early Years Centre
Area: Lennoxtown
Locality: Kirkintilloch/Lenzie/The Villages
Local Authority Early Years Centres: Lennoxtown Early Years Centre
Area: Lenzie
Locality: Kirkintilloch/Lenzie/The Villages
Local Authority Early Years Centres: Lenzie Meadow Early Years Centre
Area: Milton of Campsie
Locality: Kirkintilloch/Lenzie/The Villages
Local Authority Early Years Centres: Craighead Early Years Centre
Area: Twechar
Locality: Kirkintilloch/Lenzie/The Villages
Local Authority Early Years Centres: Twechar Early Years Centre
4.2.2 How to apply for a place for children aged two years old
The early years centres detailed in point 4.2.1 provide eligible places, paying places and supported places (see section 7). In order to ensure eligible two year old children are able to access their funded entitlement, a certain amount of two year old places must be kept within local authority early years centres.
Applicants should complete the online application form. A birth certificate, council tax bill and utility bill must be uploaded at the time of completing the application. Proof of entitlement is also required for applicants for an eligible two year old place; this must be evidenced within three months of the child’s agreed start date, so this may require to be re-submitted after the initial application period. If supported hours have been agreed via the multi-agency locality panel (see section 7), an application form is required prior to the child commencing a place. If the first and second choice early years centre cannot be allocated, the nearest early years centre to the home address within the locality will be offered. Two year old eligible places can be accessed from the term after the child’s second birthday. Children who are not eligible and have applied for a paying place can access early learning and childcare from their child’s second birthday, subject to availability. Applicants will also be required to complete an application for their child’s three and four year old place.
4.2.3 Eligible two year olds start dates
Eligible two year olds will be entitled to begin their place on the term following their second birthday, as set out below:
- If a child is born from 1 March to 31 August, they will be eligible to start in August
- If a child is born from 1 September to 31 December, they will be eligible to start in January
- If a child is born from 1 January to 28 February, they will be eligible to start in April.
4.2.4 Admissions process and criteria for children aged two years old
The following criteria sets out the process for allocating places for children aged two years.
4.2.4 Criteria
(a) Child Protection and/or safeguarding is in place for the child by the Social Work Department, Education Services Educational Psychology and/or Health Services. This includes supporting young parent(s) wishing to remain in school.
(b) Requests for Assistance from Social Work, Health and/or Education, considered and agreed by a multi-agency locality panel (see section 7).
(a) Children who reside within East Dunbartonshire Council and meet the eligibility criteria (outlined in section 3) for funded early learning and childcare places.
(a) Paying places – children residing within the locality who are not eligible but parents wish to pay for the place. Where possible, priority will be given to children:
- with a sibling attending the same early years centre
- who have attended the early years centre in a paying / supported place
(b) Paying places - children residing within East Dunbartonshire Council but out with the locality who are not eligible but parents wish to pay for the place.
Priority will be given to children
- with a sibling attending the same early years centre
- who have attended the early years centre in a paying / supported place.
(a) Children who reside out with East Dunbartonshire Council and meet the eligibility criteria (outlined in section 3) for funded early learning and childcare places.
(b) Paying places – children residing out with East Dunbartonshire Council who are not eligible but parents wish to pay for the place. Priority is given to children with a sibling attending the same early years centre.
4.3. Three and four year old places
4.3.2 Three year old children who turn 3 between first day in August and the last day in February and are resident in East Dunbartonshire become eligible for funded early learning and childcare the day after their third birthday, if choosing funded provision within East Dunbartonshire Council
4.3.3 Three your old children who turn 3 between 1 March and 31 July residing in East Dunbartonshire funding will commence in August of the new academic year.
4.3.4 How to apply for a place for children aged three and four years old
Applicants should complete the appropriate online application form (see section 4.5). Applications will be open from January until the last day of February each year.
If a three year old child is returning to the same local authority or funded provider early years centre for their four year old place (as per admissions criteria 2b), the returning 4 year old place will be allocated without the need to resubmit a new application. Early years centres will contact parents of three year old children in January to confirm if their child will be returning to the same centre. If parents wish their child to return to the same local authority early years centre, but wish to amend their child’s attendance pattern, they must complete the online alteration form. This alteration form is not required if the child is returning to the same funded provider early years centre. If a parent wishes to change the early years centre that their returning four year old attends, they will be required to complete a new 3 and 4 year old application (as per admissions criteria 3b).
To apply, you will need:
- A birth certificate, council tax bill and utility bill should be uploaded at submission of the application
- Any parent having difficulty accessing the online application should contact Early Years Shared Services or their nearest local authority early years
- Any applicants that require formal support through Request for Assistance by Social Work, Health or Education, are still required to complete an application form as described above
- Information about applying for places and the date for the receipt of completed application forms are advertised in the community via social media, the Council website and early years centres
- The Council endeavours to allocate first choice placement however, a second choice of early years centre is requested should a place not be available at the first choice early years centre
- If the first and second choice early years centre cannot be allocated, another local authority early years centre within the locality will be offered
- All late applications received after the closing date will be subject to available places.
4.4 Deferred entry to primary school
Parents have the legal right to defer their child’s entry to primary school if their child’s fifth birthday falls on or between the first day of the school term in August and the last day of the following February.
From August 2023, a change in Scottish Government legislation means that all children are automatically entitled to 1140 hours of funded early learning and childcare for their child’s deferred entry year.
Children who have their fifth birthday between 1st March and the first day of term in August must start school. Exceptions are only made in extraordinary circumstances, and where it would be considered in the best interests of the child to further delay their school start date. This would normally only apply to children with significant additional support needs.
If the child is eligible and resides in East Dunbartonshire and the parent wishes to defer their child’s entry to primary one, the following must take place:
- Register their child in catchment primary school to hold place until deferred entry year is allocated and accepted. The online application link opens around the middle of If child later accepts the deferred entry year and rejects the primary one place, the parent must re-register their child for primary school again in the following year
- Inform current early learning and childcare provider of intention to defer the child’s entry into primary school and intention to either remain at current provision or move to a different Parents should be aware of the implications in terms of allocation priority if changing provider, see section 3.2
- Completion of a Deferred Entry to Primary School Application. Applications open around the end of November, and close on the last day of January. Applications received on time will be included in the early years allocations and admissions process. Late applications received after the closing date will not be considered until the allocations process is complete – around May; this may have implications in terms of available spaces in early years centres.
Notification of deferred entry places will take place around the middle of March. On receipt of this notification, Parents/Carers must either accept the additional year of 1140 hours of funded early learning and childcare and give up their child’s place in primary one, or decline the early years place and retain their child’s primary one request.
4.5. Application process and deadlines
Application processes and deadlines for submissions
Application process and deadline - accordion
Children not yet five on first day of school term right to defer.
Application: Deferred Entry P1 registration form (required)
Deadline: Last day of January
Returning to the same local authority centre; no change to pattern of attendance.
Application: No form required
Deadline: Centre will confirm return and pattern with parent
Returning to the same local authority centre; wishing to change pattern of attendance.
Application: Alteration Form
Deadline: Last day of February
Returning to the same funded provider centre or childminder (no matter whether changing pattern of attendance or not)
Application: No form required
Deadline: Parents must liaise directly with their funded provider to confirm place. Last day of February
Any change to a different early years centre (local authority or funded provider centre or childminder) or new split placement.
Application: 3 and 4 year old application form
Deadline: Last day of February
All three year old children; local authority and funded provider applications.
NB: children receiving additional March-July three year old funding must also re-apply.
Application: 3 and 4 year old application form
Deadline: Last day of February
Local authority and funded providers and paying place (local authority only).
Children who meet eligibility criteria (section 4.2); or parents wishing to pay for a place.
Application: 2 year old application form
Deadline: At any time from child’s first birthday.
Request for Assistance supported place; or Parents wishing to pay for a place.
Application: 6 week to 2 year old application form
Deadline: At any time from child’s birth.
Cross boundary funding
5.1 Applications for children who are resident out with East Dunbartonshire
The Council works with neighboring authorities and has a Cross Boundary Protocol in place. Applications for children aged three to five years old and eligible two year olds who are residents in other Council areas may apply for a place with any provider in East Dunbartonshire. Funding will commence the first Monday of the month following the child’s third birthday. For eligible 2 year old cross boundary placements, the funding will commence the term following the child’s second birthday.
Applications will only be considered after all eligible East Dunbartonshire applications have been allocated. Therefore, it is advised that applicants also submit an application to their resident Authority in the case that the cross boundary application cannot be met.
Applicants must apply for funding adhering to the process and timescales outlined in section 4.5.
Applicants must re-apply for funding for a child’s cross boundary 4 year old place, by completing the New 3 and 4 year old application form prior to the last day in February
As per the Cross Boundary Protocol, any late applications received after the last day in February are not guaranteed funding.
5.2 Admissions for children who live in East Dunbartonshire applying to other Councils
East Dunbartonshire residents may wish to apply for a place in an early years centre in another council. Applicants should contact the relevant local authority directly for advice on their admissions process. Applicants are advised to also submit an application to East Dunbartonshire (see section 4.5) in the case that their cross boundary application cannot be allocated.
Allocation of places
6.1 Placement and notification of allocation
The early years calendar runs from 1 August (or agreed start date) to 31st July. The following information sets out when allocations are carried out and when parents can expect to be offered an allocation.
6.1.Placement and notification of allocation
Age group | Placement | Notification |
Six weeks – two year olds |
Ongoing |
Request for Assistance – referrer will liaise with applicant (see section 7) |
Six weeks – two year olds |
Ongoing |
When place becomes available |
Eligible two year olds |
Ongoing |
Endeavour to give three months’ notice of start date. Child can start from the first day of the term following child’s second birthday. |
Two year olds |
Ongoing |
Request for Assistance – referrer will liaise with applicant (see section 7) |
Paying two year olds |
Ongoing |
When a place becomes available Endeavour to give three months’ notice. Child can start from date of child’s second birthday. |
Three and four year olds |
1 August (or agreed/applicable start date) |
End of April |
Deferred entry four year old children including where parents have |
1 August |
Mid-March |
6.2. Changes to allocation
Applicants wishing to request a change of attendance in a Local Authority Centre must complete an online alteration form. This includes any changes to pattern for a returning four year old place. For changes during term time, a period of four weeks’ notice is required for any change. The early years centre will inform parents if the change can be accommodated. One change per term is permitted. This does not include a change of pattern for a returning four year old place. Any further changes during the same term must be discussed with the early years centre management team and will be considered on an individual basis.
6.3. Charging
- The hourly rate for early years provision is subject to review annually and will be available under the FAQs section of the Early Years how to apply page of the Council
- An Extended Hours Contract will be issued by email. The extended hours will not commence until parent has completed and submitted the Extended Hours Contract Agreement
- For places where applicants have purchased extended hours, if required, the child will begin their extended contracted hours the following week, to support the child to settle within the early years centre
- Invoices are issued monthly
- Two children attending an early years centre will receive a discount of 15%, applied to the fees for the older child
- Three or more children attending an early years centre will receive a discount of 15% applied to the fees for the two older children
- A 10% discount is applied for any child attending a full time place (50 hours per week)
- Charges will apply for all hours allocated to children over and above any funded.
6.4. Absence
Applicants must inform the early years centre management team of any child with a long-term absence over a period of six weeks. In the event of a child’s long-term illness, parents will not be charged for any contracted additional hours. Supporting evidence may be required.
Locality panels and supported places
7.1 Locality panel members
Each locality, as defined in section 2, has an established Locality Panel. The role of the panel is to review and make decisions on Requests for Assistance for supported early years placements (see section 7) and other issues related to that particular locality.
Locality Panel meetings will take place at key points throughout the year. The Early Years Central Team will chair the Locality Panel, and members will include representation from Health, Social Work and Depute Heads of Centre from the early years centres within the locality.
7.2. Request for assistance for supported places
There will be circumstances where children will require additional support, including supported hours within early years provision. All applications for additional support must be applied for by completing a Request for Assistance (RFA) form. This is usually completed by Social Work, Health or Education. Applications will be reviewed and decisions made by the Locality Panel (see section 7) or the Early Years Community Assessment Team (EYCAT) (see section 8).
There may be occasions when an RFA emergency place is considered out with the Locality Panel meetings. If this is the case, it will be discussed and agreed by no less than three professionals, and their decision will be reviewed and ratified at the next Locality Panel meeting. Supported places are allocated with the expectation that parents will engage with activities and/or groups that will support them to move out of the position of crisis. This may include taking part in parenting or family support group, and/or addiction or mental health support group, and/or a work related activity, such as job seeking, employability program, training or study.
The Depute Head of Centre or other early years centre manager is responsible for informing the originator of the Request for Assistance of the decision of the Locality Panel. The originator is responsible for informing the family of the Locality Panel decision. Parents should be aware that places are agreed for a short period, are subject to regular review and may change, including being reduced or removed.
The admissions criteria (see section 3) should be used unless there are exceptional circumstances. This must be detailed on a RFA application form and supporting evidence submitted. Exceptional circumstances require approval by the Quality Improvement Manager (Early Years) or the Interim Chief Education Officer.
Allocation of places for children with additional support needs (ASN)
8.1. Admissions for additional specialist resource and/or including specialist provision
The Early Years Community Assessment Team (EYCAT) is chaired by the ASN and Children’s Services Team, alongside representatives from Educational Psychology, Social Work, Health, and Early Years (a central team and an early years centre representative).
EYCAT meets every four weeks over the school term to review Request for Assistance (RFA) applications received from centres and other professionals who are requesting additional support for a child. Parental consent to share information with the EYCAT panel is part of the RFA process. The views of children and parents are central to the process and are recorded on the RFA and by their early years centre management team.
Applicants referring to EYCAT can request support from a specialist resource. This could include:
- Educational Psychology and/or Early Years Teachers who can provide bespoke support
- Outreach Services: assessment/support by Castlehill, Harestanes or Wester Cleddens Enhanced Learning Resource (ELR) outreach services within the child’s mainstream early years centre.
8.2. Inclusion
All early years centres focus on the development of a curriculum for all children. Getting it Right for Every Child (GIRFEC) principles underpin support provided to children. The Council’s Including Every Learner policy details the process to ensure best outcomes for children.
9.1. Enquiry procedure
In the first instance, applicants who require clarification of the decisions made regarding admissions to early years centres should contact their early years centre. If further information is required, applicants should contact customer services. Tel: 0300 123 4510.
10.1 Complaints procedure
Parents are able to submit a complaint in relation to the admissions process if required.