Delivery of Westerhill Development Road & Westerhilll Masterplan
Delivery of Westerhill Development Road & Westerhilll Masterplan
This project element of the Council’s City Deal Place and Growth Programme includes the delivery of the Westerhill Development Road (formerly known as Phase 5 of the Bishopbriggs Relief Road) to complete the route through East Dunbartonshire and Glasgow north, improving connectivity and unlocking strategic development sites to enable follow on investment.
The delivery of the Westerhill Development Road (WDR) will:
- Remove non-essential traffic from travelling through Bishopbriggs town centre
- Alleviate issues in relation to the Air Quality Management on A803
- Enable A803 corridor improvements
- Enable a well-connected workforce within East Dunbartonshire and wider city region
- Promote improved road infrastructure coupled with sustainable travel options in and out of East Dunbartonshire, particularly for commuting journeys
- Help enable development of derelict/vacant land to ensure there is space for local companies to grow, to attract other high quality businesses and reduce barriers to jobs locally.
The final route of the relief road is yet to be determined. Development of potential routes for the WDR will be aided by the creation of a Masterplan and Environmental Report for the Westerhill area. Both the Masterplan and the Environmental Report will be developed in tandem and will play a crucial part in identifying the potential of this area to contribute to the economic regeneration of Bishopbriggs.
There are a number of options for a new stretch of road starting from Lochgrog Roundabout (Phase 4 of Bishopbriggs Relief Road) and tying in with the A803. An upgrade to Torrance Roundabout is also proposed as part of these options.
Consultation was on options for the new Westerhill Development Road between 29 May and 22 June 2023.
There are five options for a new stretch of road starting from the Lochgrog Roundabout (Phase 4 of Bishopbriggs Relief Road) and tying in with the A803. An upgrade to Torrance Roundabout is also proposed as part of these options.
Westerhill Regeneration Area Framework Masterplan
Westerhill Regeneration Area Framework Masterplan
Work is taking place to develop the Westerhill Regeneration Area Framework Masterplan.
Regeneration of the 370-hectare Westerhill site is part of the Council's £34.88 million Place and Growth Programme – supported by the UK and Scottish Governments through the Glasgow City Region City Deal.
The masterplan will be a long-term, overall framework for the development of "land parcels" and will be used as guidance for future planning applications.
It also identifies land for the delivery of the Westerhill Development Road.
Consultation took place between 11 April and 16 May 2023.
The Westerhill area is identified as a regeneration site in the Council's adopted Local Development Plan.
Long-term objectives of the masterplan, subject to external funding being secured, include:
- The refurbishment of vacant buildings and improvements to the existing Westerhill Industrial Estate
- The protection and enhancement of the High and Low Moss areas, and peat soil
- The creation of green links, and health and wellbeing improvements via path accessibility, active travel, public transport and open spaces
- Road improvements
- A potential mix of uses – such as business, research and development, manufacturing and outdoor leisure.
Ceara Pimley
Team Leader
City Deal