The Community Grants Scheme is one of the ways that the Council provides funding to the community and voluntary sector.

Any group that has a constitution, a bank account, is not for profit and aims to bring benefits to the residents of East Dunbartonshire can apply to the grants scheme. You do not need to have charitable status to apply.

The Community Grants Scheme is committed to encouraging and supporting community-led activities which result in a community benefit for East Dunbartonshire residents.

Applications for grants are assessed against the Local Outcomes Improvement Plan (LOIP) which sets out the priority outcomes for East Dunbartonshire and focuses on improving public services across the authority.


The latest round of funding is open now – apply between Monday 25 November 2024 and Friday 10 January 2025.

Organisations can apply for either a grant of up to £5,000 or £10,000. The maximum, over the course of a year, a group can ask for is £15,000.

Please use the application form below to apply.

It is anticipated that applicants will be informed if they have been successful from week commencing 24 March 2025.

Please see below for eligibility criteria, guidance and more information. There are also links below to get in touch if you need assistance or printed application forms.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

To apply, an organisation must be operating in the East Dunbartonshire Council area and must:

  • Have a constitution or other document setting out how the organisation is constituted
  • Be a not-for-profit organisation
  • Have a bank account in the name of the organisation
  • Have properly approved, independently-examined accounts and agreed procedures in place for recording income and expenditure, or – if a new organisation – provide a copy of your projected accounts
  • Have met the reporting requirements in relation to any projects previously funded by the Council
  • Ensure the project must meet at least one outcome of the Local Outcome Improvement Plan (LOIP).

  • You can apply for a grant for a wide range of projects as long as it is not for profit and brings benefits to the residents of East Dunbartonshire. You can apply for capital, revenue, consumables, ongoing capital and overhead costs
  • In your application you can ask for funding for start-up costs, special projects, equipment and salaries
  • Applications may only be made for costs incurred throughout the period of one year
  • Religious organisations that want to carry out work in the community can apply to the grants scheme.

  • Round 1 of 2024 opened on 1 April and closed on 26 April 2024
  • Round 2 opened on 1 July and closed at noon on 26 July 2024
  • Round 3 will open on 25 November 2024 and close at noon on 10 January 2025.

Submit a completed signed application. Provide the requested supporting information:

  • A copy of your organisation’s constitution or other document setting out how the organisation is constituted
  • A copy of your organisation’s most recent approved, independently-examined accounts or – if you are a new organisation – an income and expenditure plan for the first year
  • A copy of your organisation’s most recent bank statement
    Copies of two quotes/estimates that your organisation has obtained for individual items costing £500 or more that you are seeking funding for
  • Proof of ownership or signed copy of a lease in favour of your organisation, if this grant is to be used to fund improvements to land or buildings owned/leased by your organisation
  • Copies of any licences/consents granted to your organisation which may be relevant to the application (only if applicable)
  • A job description for each post to be funded or part funded with this grant.

Applications are considered on individual merit by the Grants Advisory Committee. Your application will be assessed on the following criteria:-

  • Community impact
  • Local Outcomes Improvement Plan (LOIP)
  • Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD)
  • Value for money
  • Financial viability
  • Project management (for applications £5,000 - £10,000).

All applications will be assessed and scored against the same set of criteria, as set out in the Scoring Matrix.

Scoring Matrix - Scheme A funding up to £5000
Scoring Matrix - Scheme B funding from £5,000 to £10,000

  • Due diligence checks will be undertaken
  • Applications made will be assessed by Grants Advisory Committee
  • Applications with a score of 10 or above for grant applications below £5,000 and those scoring 13 or above for grant applications between £5,000 and £10,000 will be put forward for award
  • Final determination of the outcome of your application will be made by the Community Planning Partnership Board
  • If awarded a grant you will be notified by letter
  • When a grant has been approved, and the terms and conditions met, payment is usually made directly to your organisation’s bank account, normally within 28 working days of formal notification via BACS transfer
  • A blank monitoring report is issued with your award letter; this should be completed and returned as soon as your project is completed. All grants must be spent within 12 months of award. Further applications cannot be considered until previous projects have been satisfactorily monitored and accepted as complete
  • If you are not awarded a grant, you will receive a letter explaining why. Unsuccessful applicants can reapply in future if they have an eligible project.


  • East Dunbartonshire Voluntary Action
    Unit 4/5 18-20 Townhead
    G66 1NL

  • Tel: 0141 578 6680
  • Email:

Application form

To complete an application you require the following:

  • To ensure your organisation is not for profit, has its own bank account, has a constitutional document and that the application aims to bring benefits to people in East Dunbartonshire
  • Copies of correspondence about any licences / consents granted which may be relevant to the application
  • A copy of your organisation constitution
  • A copy of your most recent approved independent examined accounts
  • If you are a new organisation you may submit an income and expenditure plan for the first year
  • A copy of your most recent bank statement
  • Copies of two quotes/estimates your organisation has obtained for individual items/works costing £500 or more
  • Proof of ownership or signed copy of lease if this grant is to be used to fund improvements to land or buildings
  • Copies of correspondence about any licences / consents granted which may be relevant to the application (only if applicable)
  • A job description for each post to be funded or part-funded with this grant.

Application form

Please use this form to apply for a grant of up to £5,000, or a grant of up to £10,000.

Monitoring and evaluation

If successful in receiving a grant, at the end of the year when your project is completed you need to send us a monitoring form. This form will be sent to you by email.

Case studies

Projects funded in Round 1 2024/2025

Scheme A

The projects funded in the first round - Scheme A
Organisation name Numbers benefitting in EDC and target group Purpose of grant GAC awarded

Milngavie Pipe Band


Young people

Travel costs for coach to Forres Championship

Greenock single day

Lochore Fife single day

Dumbarton Championship single day

Perth Championship single day

Glasgow Green World Championship single day

Cowal Games Dunoon


Walk, Run, Cycle ED


Young people, older people, vulnerable and people with disabilities

Hall hire, tea and coffee

Bus hire

Fairy House carvings

Contribution towards storage Hut

Launch day

Summer sports day



Easter 2025


Adult gloves




Lenzie After School Club


Primary 7 pupils transitioning to high school

The group want to make transition to secondary as easy as possible and be inclusive for all young people.


Scotia ASC


Young people (aged five to 25)

Club expansion – pool time/coach time/coach qualification

Starting system/stopwatches/cases

Snorkels/pull buoys


Kirkintilloch Men's Shed


Older people/vulnerable, lonely



Lockable storage units


7th Bearsden Brownies


Girls of Brownie age (five-25), Westerton, Bearsden


Blu-ray player

Tripod, case and screen

Mini ovens with hobs

Baking/cooking utensils


Scottish families affected by alcohol and drugs


Young people, with families suffering from drug addiction

Food and transport for group and one-to-ones.

Transport for activities – reducing barriers to participation

Electricity costs

Hot meals


Clydeside Orientees


0-25 years

Professional map of Lennox Forest and Mugdock Country Park and installation of permanent courses


Lenzie Probus Ladies Club


Community organisations and voluntary organisations



65th Company Girls’ Brigade


Young people – 0-25 years

Entry to park for girls and leaders

Entry for leaders – concession


Addiction Recovery Centre


People with support needs, substance users/recovering

Running costs – food, volunteers, utensils, toys


MRWPG (Morrison Redhills Woodland Protection Group)

Anyone who walks in the area of Lennoxtown woods area

All walkers in the area

This is new group looking to enhance the area. Further info required to allow this to progress. Support for clean-up and environmental/ nature activities on land sought – including equipment.

GAC recommendation is nil award, and signpost to other organisations who could support, including the Council.

Auchinairn Afterschool Care & Forrest School


Young people (aged five to 25)

Waterproof trousers

Waterproof jackets



Adult waterproof jacket and trousers

GAC recommend defer, pending further information

Cyprian Court Partnership


Older people and wider community







Creative Care Scotland


Other people

Fridge freezer

Sandwich toaster


Health grill and air fryer

Folding tables


G64 Community Support


Elderly requiring help with shopping or attending appointments

Volunteer expenses



Stationery and admin

GAC recommend award of £1,200 with condition service is free to individuals using

Antonine Theatre Group


Older people 66+

Re-upholstering 60 stackable seats for audiences 


Bearsden and Milngavie Youth Orchestra


Young people (aged five to 25 years)

Venue hire

Conductor's Honorariums


Harestanes Baptist Church



Front door security fixtures

Garden gate


Internal lock fitting



Lenzie Midi Rugby Club


Young people

4G pitch hire

Bus hire

Rugby balls for training

First aid kits


Milngavie and Bearsden Men's Shed


Older people 66+


Ceiling mount, screen and speakers

Hearing system and DVD player

Black-out roller blinds


Gavins Mill Community Project


All ages, including visitors

Website supervisor and web maintenance worker


Total awarded: £36,366

Projects funded in Round 1 2024/2025

Scheme B

The projects that were funded in the first round - scheme B
Organisation name Numbers benefitting in EDC and target group Purpose of grant Grant awarded

Kirky Cinema


East Dunbartonshire residents, all ages



Film licence

Public Liability Insurance

Cash float

Tuck food


Torrance Tennis Club


Young people

Resurface and paint tennis courts


Time Out Club


Early years after school care

Additional childcare worker


Creatovators CIC

450 direct and potentially 1,000 online

People with support needs, such as a disability or long-term health condition. People on the autistic spectrum and their families.

Rent cost




Individuals who experience loneliness and isolation – prioritising those living with a long-term condition or disability and adults over the age of 16



Travel running costs


Milngavie in Bloom


Older people 66+

Planning permission

Structural engineer


Plaque and contingency

Fabrication of sculpture

Base of sculpture

Delivery and installation


Mugdock Trust


People aged 26-65

Consultant fees – archaeologist


Contact Point in East Dunbartonshire


People with long-term health conditions and carers


Adjustable trolley

Set up/commissioning


Contribution to insurance, IT/phone, office consumables, audit, etc


Total awarded from Scheme B

Total awarded: £57,883

Projects funded in Round 2 2024/2025

Scheme A

list of projects that were as part of round 2 2024/2025
Organisation name Numbers benefitting in EDC and target group Purpose of grant GAC awarded

The way ahead group


Stroke victims with mobility issues

To pay salary costs for physiotherapist


Rionnagan Beaga


Parents and children of Gaelic community

Fishing Game-Cost 78.99
Colour Sorting Games-Cost 17.80
Laminator-Cost 19.99
Beanbags-Cost 20.99
Hula Hoops-Cost 14.99


Auchinairn Parent and Toddler Group


Pre 5 year olds

Hall Hire £3,600 Jo Jingles £4802 x tables £211 each




Families of those with autistic kids

Christmas gifts-£1,520.96
Play tile flooring-£1,718.40
Artwork/mural - £1,200
Picnic benches-£329.68
Sensory items -£230.96


Cadder Church Guild


Other People (66+ years)

Dell Laptop £749 & Projector £480


Clyde Cycle Hub Ltd


People with no or low income

Volunteer PVG Checks (Assume 10 volunteers)
Cost £590 (£59x10) Storage Container Rental-Cost £1800
Spare Parts for refurbishing bikes-Cost £1700
Volunteers Uniforms/PPE (Based on 6 Workshop assistants)- Cost £450
Marketing Materials (Signs, Banners, Leaflets)- Cost £460


Cruse Scotland Bereavement Support


People who have experienced bereavement

Breakdown of £3600
Volunteer Training Freelance trainer fees @£200 per day. 7 days training, Helpline, Practice Placement Fastrack £1400
Freelance trainer fees for monthly CPD at £100 per 2 hour session x 12 1200
Volunteer Supervision Freelance professional counsellor fees to provide monthly group Supervision for volunteers to discuss issues, ensure they are looking after their own mental health. £60 per 1.5 hour session x 12 £720
Volunteer travel Based on estimate of 28 face-to face visits @ £10 each. (Not all volunteers claim travel expenses) £280
Total 3600


Campsie Local History


Other People (26 – 65 years)

Group Printing costs for book £2606.08
Laptop - DELL Inspiron 15 with Windows 365 £493.00
One year Find My Subscription (World) £199.99


Bishopbriggs Community Council


People with low or no income

Defibrillator £1734 Electrician £177 Christmas lights switch on at Library £943 Switch on at Comm Garden £388 Halloween Event £300 Santa Gifts £400 Banners £350


The Bearsden Festival Association

780 Young People (5 to 25 years)

Item 50 additional hours for Coordinator - Dance Festival Cost £1100 Amount needed £1100
Item PA Sound System for Christmas at the Cross Cost £545 Amount needed £545
Item 150 books (at cost from local writer) for Santa gifts Cost £500 Amount needed £500 Item Art materials for crafts, costumes, Grotto, decorations Cost £750 Amount needed £750
Item Poster and leaflet printing Cost £215 Amount needed £215


Sporting Memories Foundation Scotland


Isolated older people (50+) living with dementia, depression, and other long-term conditions

Item Volunteer expenses Cost 300 Amount needed 300 Item Communication and promotion of Club – leaflets, posters Cost 200 Amount needed 200 Item Resources - reminiscence and physical activity equipment - Boccia, Kurling, targets, balls and bean bags Cost 2189 Amount needed 2189


Victoria Bowling Club Torrance


Older people 66+

Supply and fit combi boiler system 3948.00


Strathclyde Aquatics 


Young People (5 to 25 years)

Item 10 x Inclusive balls for disability group (Size 5 balls), 8 x Otterball (Size 3
balls), 8 x Splashattack (Size 4 balls)
Cost 469.83
Amount needed 469.83
Item Water Polo caps to be used by all three group (these are required for safety
to the ears)
Cost 450
Amount needed 450
Item Water Polo Goals - two sets 1 for Otterball and Splashattack at £124.99 and
1 set for the disability group £339.99
Cost 464.98
Amount needed 464.98 Item 5 x water polo time at Strathclyde University with variable depth moving
floor for the disability group at £86/hr
Cost 430
Amount needed 430
Item Insurance for disability group through Scottish Swimming membership (15
x £28.80)
Cost 432
Amount needed 432


Contact Point in East Dunbartonshire SCIO 


People with support needs such as a disability or long-term health condition

Item Minibus with escort for 5 people at £67 weekly for 40 weeks Cost £2,680 Amount needed £2,680
Item Minibus with escort for 4 people at £45 weekly for 40 weeks Cost £1,800 Amount needed £1,800
Item Staff Salary to liaise re pick-up/drip-off with taxi firm @1hr/40 weeks@£14.50/hr Cost £580 Amount needed £520


Lenzie Rugby Club

120 Young People

Gym Equipment


Total awarded: £36,303

Projects funded in Round 2 2024/2025

Scheme B

Projects funded in Round 2 2024/2025 scheme B
Organisation name Numbers benefitting in EDC and target group Purpose of grant Grant awarded




People with support needs

Salary Costs


The Glasgow Group of Riding for the Disabled Association


Young People (5 to 25 years)

Item Bedding Cost 2820
Amount needed 2820
Item Feed and Hay Cost 2340
Amount needed 2340
Item Vet and Farrier Cost 1340
Amount needed 1340
Item Tack Cost 300
Amount needed 300


Schoenstatt Sisters of St Mary


Community Organisations and Voluntary organisations

Item Bee Enclosure Cost 3500 Amount needed 3500 Item Bee hives (wooden & nucleus) Cost 2650 Amount needed 2650 Item Apiary shed and storage boxes Cost 1000 Amount needed 1000 Item Bee suits, gloves Cost 1430 Amount needed 1430 Item Bee honey tank, wax extractor and ancillary equipment Cost 1000 Amount needed 1000


Harestanes Baptist Church


People with no or low income

Replace windows and fitting of x 12@ £168= £2016
Replacement and fitting of panels x 24@£84= 1800
Amount needed 1500
roof replacement-


Differabled Scotland SCIO


Other People

Item Neuro diverse Course Trainer Cost 7,200 Amount needed 3,600 Item Training & Peer Support coordinator Cost 16,640 Amount needed 6,400


Kirkintilloch Camera Club


Other People

Warm Air Boiler C16U £6828


Acorn Shed Music


Other People

66+ workshops + event hall hire & refreshments £1740 event sound engineer £250 freelance musician/workshops + composing £3150 freelance musicians/recording/rehearsal/performance £2400 volunteer training & expenses £1480 materials £250


Sense Scotland


People with support needs such as a disability or long term health condition

Item Tactile room padding Cost 2353.20 Rebound Support-Wedge Small, Wedge Large, pod roll and beanbag Cost 632.22 Ceiling projector and mount Cost 1061.99 Smart board Cost 2,422.80 Carpet and Blinds Cost 800


Cue and Review


People with additional support needs

Item Access to Audio Development Worker
Cost 8800
Item Travel budget
Cost 700 


Creative Care Scotland


People between the ages of 26-65

Contribution towards the cost of replacing obsolete emergency lights installed in 2007 (Amount requested as per quotation - £418)
(Part 2 of Project)
Replacement Toilet & Cold Water Pipework onto WC Project (Part 1 of 3 Projects)
Emergency cold water storage pipework first floor onto mains water – £498.00 (Amount requested as per quotation)
Three year Public Entertainment Licence – Amount requested £452.00 as per quotation.
5 x crafting projects for 200 children at £2 while they wait to be personally called to see Mr&Mrs Claus - £400.00
Mr and Mrs Claus chocolate gifts to 200 children at £1.45 each - £290.00
Mr and Mrs claus gifts for our adults with special needs One to One group and their carers at £3 per person - £150.00
Catering for families accompanying 200 children over the Victorian Christmas weekend - £200.00
Stationery to advertise Victorian Christmas event - £300
HELP with annual running costs shown on last page of Annual Accounts to 28th February 2024
Heating and Lighting - £3,500.00 divided by 12 months
Insurance - £800.00 divided by 12 months
(This includes Public Liability insurance)
Telephone and Wi-fi - £500.00 divided by 12 months
Postage - £500.00 divided by 12 months
Accountancy and Legal Feel to OSCR and Companies House - £500.00 divided by 12 months
Total amount - £5.800.00


Waterside Miners Charitable Society

5,000 Community Organisations and Voluntary organisations

CD Architects professional fee for planning application Cost 9600 Amount needed 9600

£7,040 on condition that previous funding work has been successfully completed and monitoring form completed

Rossvale Community Football Club


5-25 year olds

Cost £18,000
Amount needed £8000
Cost £5000
Amount needed £2000


Freinds Of Campsie High Kirk


People with low or no income

Drone video - for capital fund raising, public engagement and architectural investigation feasibility / technical content.
Cost 2500
Amount needed £2515
Item Digital video architectural interpretation for design and pubic engagement
Cost 2000
Amount needed £2000
Item FoCHK Web site development
Cost 400
Amount needed £400


Total Award: £81,086