The Council Tax for your property is based on the valuation band it is placed in by the Assessor.

East Dunbartonshire Council has set the Council Tax levels for the year 1 April 2025 and 31 March 2026. Your Council Tax is due in 10 consecutive monthly instalments payable on or by 1 April through to 1 of January in each financial year. The Council also offers direct debit payments over 12 months to support those households who prefer this as an option. If you pay by Direct Debit you can choose to pay on 1,15, or 28 of each month.

Council Tax 2025/26

Band D Council Tax 2024/25 - £1,599.70, Band D Council Tax 2024/25 - £1,415.66
Band House Value £ Council Tax 2025/26 £


Up to 27,000



















Scottish Water - Water and Waste Water Service Charges – 2025/26

East Dunbartonshire Council is not responsible for setting these charges. The level of charges is set by the Water Authority and is subject to scrutiny by the Water Commissioner and the Scottish Government.

Your Council Tax bill includes the charges for your water supply and waste water collection services from Scottish Water. These charges allow Scottish Water to operate and improve services in communities across Scotland. For more details and to view/download a copy of the 2025/26 leaflet visit the Scottish Water website.

Your water and waste water charges are based on the Council Tax Band for your home and will be shown on your Council Tax bill, even if you receive Council Tax Reduction. Some Council Tax exemptions and discounts will also apply to these charges, such as single occupancy or if you are a student.

To find out more about Scottish Water, their customer charter and keep up to date with what they are doing in your area:

For FREE text alerts from Scottish Water to keep you updated on essential information about any water issues in your area sign up on the Scottish Water website.

We are required by law to bill and collect these charges on behalf of Scottish Water. Even if you are in receipt of maximum Council Tax reduction you must pay your Water and Waste charges.

Council Tax Reductions Available

A 25% discount may be available if there is only one adult aged 18 or over living in the property. There are also other discounts that may be due depending on the circumstances of the people living in the property e.g. full-time students, apprentices, people resident in hospital or care/nursing homes or who have a severe mental impairment.

You need to tell us about everyone in the property aged 18 or over and their circumstances and we will work out if you are due any discount. A 10% discount may be available if the property is unoccupied.

A 50% discount for 6 months maximum if the property is unoccupied and unfurnished and the six months exemption period has ended.

Please note that reduction is normally granted from the Monday after your application is received and backdated only in exceptional circumstances.


There are a number of circumstances where a property may be exempt from Council Tax the most common are when the property is unoccupied and unfurnished for up to six months, when the property is incapable of being lived in because it is being structurally repaired, improved or reconstructed (for a maximum of 12 months from the date last occupied) or when all the residents are full time students, under the age of 18 or have a severe mental impairment.

People With Disabilities

A discount may be possible if you, or someone who lives with you, has a disability and needs an extra room or bathroom to meet your/their needs, or uses a wheelchair indoors.

Council Tax Reduction

Up to 100% of the Council Tax is available to anyone who is liable to pay the Council Tax. Please note Council Tax Reduction is not paid on water and waste water charges. If you or your partner are on a low income, unemployed, pensioners, in receipt of Jobseekers Allowance or any other State Benefits, you may be eligible for Council Tax Reduction.

Second Adult Reduction

Regardless of your own circumstances, a Reduction may be claimed based on the income and circumstances of one or more adults who live with you but who are not your partner or a boarder/lodger.

Changes in Circumstances

You must tell us about any change in your circumstances that may affect your liability or entitlement to Council Tax Reduction, Discounts or Exemption immediately. Find out more on the changes in your circumstances web page.

Ways To Pay

Direct Debit - Set up your Direct Debit to pay your Council Tax by visiting our Manage your Council Tax Online web page. Direct Debit comes off on 1st, 15th or 28th of the month in 10 or 12 installments.

Pay online your council tax online.

Touchtone - 0300 123 4524 (24 hours) Telephone - 0300 123 4525 (9.00am to 5.00pm)

Online banking - Sort Code 826913, Account number 80000601

In person by Debit or Credit Card at any of the Councils Hubs.

At any Post Office or Paypoint location using your swipecard or the barcode on this bill If you do NOT have a swipecard, please telephone 0141 578 8190.

Cheque - Make payable to 'East Dunbartonshire Council' and send to:

Revenue Services
East Dunbartonshire Council
William Patrick Library
2/4 West High Street
Glasgow, G66 1AD

Please write your name, address, telephone number and payment reference on the reverse side.

Failure to pay instalments by date they are due

If you do not pay the amount shown on the reminder within seven days, you will not be able to pay the rest of your bill by installments. You will have to pay the whole of your bill immediately.

If you pay the amount on the reminder within seven days, you should remember that you can only have two reminders in any year, between 1 April and 31 March. If we have sent you two reminders and you still owe a payment, we may have to take legal action against you and add the statutory addition of 10% on any money you owe.

Appeal Rights

You can appeal to the Revenues & Benefits Section if you disagree with the decision to hold you liable to pay Council Tax or the calculation of your bill. If you remain dissatisfied, or do not receive a response within two months, you have the right of appeal to the Scottish Tribunal Service - Local Taxation Chamber.

If you have an enquiry about the Council Tax Band for your property, you should contact:

Assessor to the Joint Valuation Board,
235 Dumbarton Road,
G81 4XJ.

Tel: 0141 562 1200


Second Homes and Long Term Empty properties are subject to a 100% premium from 1 April 2024. For more information, please go to our Changes to Long Term Empty Properties and Second Homes web page.

How to contact us

If you have any enquiries about the content of this bill or your Council Tax Account you can Manage your Council Tax Online.

Phone 0141 578 8190


Write to Revenues & Benefits Administration, William Patrick Library, 2 - 4 West High Street, Kirkintilloch, G66 1AD

Welfare Rights & Money Advice

East Dunbartonshire residents can get a one-stop-shop approach to Welfare Rights and Money Advice issues through the local Citizens Advice Bureau. Visit the Citizens Advice Bureau website for more information. Please call: 0141 775 3220 to make an appointment.

Save Money on your Energy Bills

Home Energy Scotland from the Scottish Government is a source of free and impartial advice on how to make your home cheaper to heat. Advice and Support provided includes information on government schemes and funding available for energy efficiency improvements such as new insulation or a replacement boiler. Whether you rent or own your home, visit Home Energy Scotland's website for more informarion or call: 0808 808 2282.

Scottish Welfare Fund

The Scottish Welfare Fund provides Community Care Grants, Crisis Grants and Self Isolation Grants. The Council administers this Scottish Government Scheme for the residents of East Dunbartonshire.


  • Crisis Grants may provide a safety net in an emergency or when there is an immediate threat to health or safety.
  • Self Isolation grants are to help when you are required to self isolate and your income is reduced.
  • Community Care Grants may help to enable independent living or continued independent living, thus preventing the need for institutional care. They are also intended to help families or individuals who are facing exceptional pressure. This means that a Community Care Grant could help you if you are setting up in the community after a period of care, being homeless or help you stay in your home rather than go into care. For help or further information on Scottish Welfare Fund please phone: 0300 123 4510.

Universal Credit

Universal Credit will continue to be rolled out in East Dunbartonshire in line with the Department of Work & Pensions timetable. If you are receiving Universal Credit you should still make an application for Council Tax Reduction as this is a totally separate award. Find out more information on our Universal Credit webpage. You can also call the Department of Work & Pensions on Tel: 0800 328 5644.

Calculation of Council Tax

Budgeted Council Employees (Full Time Equivalent) in 2024/25 was 4351 compared to 2023/24 which was 4474. A decrease of 123 employees and percentage change of -2.7%.

Comparison with Government Provision for current Expenditure

Government Supported Expenditure in comparison to Proposed spending by Council
Category 2025/26 2024/25

Government Supported Expenditure



Per dwelling



Proposed spending by Council



Per dwelling



Based on GAE figure scottish Government RRV709 report Per Ac – capital S and G in Scot Govt

expenditure 2025/26

expenditure, Less fees,charges & contributions
Category £ million

Gross Expenditure


Less fees,charges & contributions


Net Expenditure


expenditure by services

expenditure by services
Service Net expenditure excluding capital charges £m Capital charges £m Net expenditure including capital charges £m Change from 2024/25 (including capital charges) £m and %







Health & Social Care






Other services






Capital charges adjustment 












Financed by

what the expenditure is financed by
Category £m

Government Grants


Funding From Capital


Non-Domestic Rates


Short Term use of reseves to Underwrite transformation


Amount needed from Council Tax

Amount needed from Council Tax for expenditure
Category £m

Gross income


Council Tax Reduction Scheme


Net Income from Council Tax


Data Protection Act and General Data Protection Regulations ("GDPR")

East Dunbartonshire Council holds, uses and processes information in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 and from 25 May 2018, the GDPR. Your information may be shared with other departments within East Dunbartonshire Council or other organisations for the purposes of administering and collecting council tax and applying relevant discounts and exemptions; checking the information we hold is accurate; preventing and/or detecting crime and protecting public funds.

For further information detailing how East Dunbartonshire holds and uses your information please see our council tax section.