Litter picking and street cleaning
You can report any litter picking or street cleaning issue within our town centres, roads, pavements residential areas and open spaces.
Please use the form below to report litter picking and/or a street cleaning issue. If any needles/syringes, or broken glass in a play park have been found please call us on 0300 123 4510 and our Officers will aim to remove the item(s) within a couple of hours. If you submit this form out of normal working hours our officers will not receive any reports until the next working day.
Out with the above location, we aim to remove broken glass within one working day and street bins are emptied weekly.
Please note we only remove litter, fly tipping etc, from Council owned land, and do not remove litter, fly tipping etc, from private ground. This is the responsibility of the land owner.
Report an issue
Please use the form below to report a litter picking or street cleaning issue.
If the issue relates to:
- Needles or syringes
- Dead animals in an open space, park, footway or road broken glass in a playpark
Please call us on 0300 123 4510.
If you submit this form out of normal working hours our officers will not receive any reports until the next working day.
We aim to remove broken glass within one working day and street bins are emptied weekly.
Report litter picking or street cleaning issue - form
Use this form to report a litter picking and/or a street cleaning issue.