The Code of Conduct on Public Processions operates within the guidance issued to councils under Section 65A of the Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982.

It sets out the changes to the law of public processions made by the Police, Public Order and Criminal Justice (Scotland) Act 2006 and what the Council needs to take account of when assessing notifications to hold a procession.

It also sets out the steps that the Council should take when considering whether it is necessary for it to prevent a procession from taking place or place conditions on it under Part V of the Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982.

The use of the term ‘procession’ in this code of conduct covers all parades, marches, and demonstrations etc whether organised by civic, cultural, political, arts or religious organisations, community or other interest groups.

Register of Applications

Any person wishing to object or comment on any application must do so within 21 days of the application being received.

Public Procession Register 335

list of current processions and marches
Public Procession Register 335 Application details


Scottish Sporting Car Club


Enter East Dunbartonshire Council on the A803 heading west turn right into A891 turn left into B822 at the traffic lights or t junction in Torrance take the unclassified road on the right Barriston Road continue onto Tower Road at T junction take unclassified road on left past School at Y junction take road right past Baldernock House at T junction take road right past Baldernock Church take side road right into Tower Road at T junction take unclassified road on left towards Blairskaith Quarries at T junction with A81 turn right turn left into unclassified Steath Road at T junction turn right towards Khyber Cottage at T junction turn right on A809 Leave East Dunbartonshire Council


Saturday 26 April 2025


2:30pm to 3:30pm


Wednesday 9 April 2025

Public Procession Register 336

list of current processions and marches
Public Procession Register 336 Application details


Kirkintilloch Gala Day Parade


From Kirkintilloch Cross along Cowgate to Townhead onto Lenzie Road culminating in Woodhead Park


Saturday 14 June 2025


11:30am to 12:00pm


Wednesday 16 April 2025