Occasional licence
East Dunbartonshire Council's licensing department is responsible for the processing of all licence applications including Occasional Licences.
The department can be contacted on 0300 123 4510 in the event of any queries.
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If you hold a premises licence, a personal licence or are from a voluntary organisation and wish to sell alcohol from premises that are not licensed, you must apply for an Occasional Licence. Please note that you can only get licences for events connected with your organisation's activities and occasional licences do not cover public entertainment activities. A separate Public Entertainment Licence is needed for this.
The application for an Occasional Licence must be made at least 28 days in advance.
An Occasional Licence will be valid for no more than 14 days.
Conditions will be attached to a licence.
Occasional Licences
A list of applications for Occasional Licences applied for under the Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005 is shown in the Occasional Licence Register.
If you sell alcohol, or allow alcohol to be sold without a proper licence, you can be fined up to £20,000, go to prison for up to 6 months or both.
The fee for an Occasional Licence is £10.
The completed application and fee should be returned to Kirkintilloch Community Hub, 2-4 West High Street, Kirkintilloch, G66 1AD 28 days prior to the event.
Applicants for an occasional licence must be either the holder of a premises licence, the holder of a personal licence or a representative of a voluntary organisation.
A voluntary organisation may only be issued with an occasional licence if they have not had more than four occasional licences that last for four days or more or more than 12 licences that last for less than four days and that the licences issued do not cover more than 56 days in a 12 month period.
Applications must be on a prescribed form and include the following information:
- The name and address of the licence holder
- A description of the premises where the licence was issued
- Details of the activities carried out on the premises
- The time period for when the licence will have effect
- Details of times when alcohol can be sold on the premises
- If alcohol is to be sold for consumption on or off the premises or both
- Times when any other activities other than the sale of alcohol will take place on the premises
- Where alcohol is to be sold on the premises whether children will have access to the premises and if so details of the ages of the children allowed to enter, the times when they are allowed to enter and the parts of the premises they are allowed to enter
- Any conditions attached to a licence
- Any other information required.
The licensing authority will give notice to the local chief constable and licensing standards officer of the application. The chief constable can serve a notice recommending that the licence would put crime prevention objectives at risk.
If a Licensing Board has not received any notice from a chief constable, a report from a Licensing Standards officer or a notice of objection or representation from any other person they must grant the application.
If any of these have been received the board must consider if there are grounds for refusal. If so the application will be refused, if not it must be granted.
Hearings may be heard when applications are being considered. If a hearing is not heard the applicant must be given the opportunity to comment on any notice or report.
The following are grounds for refusal:
- The premises in the application are excluded premises
- There are no exceptional circumstances for allowing the sale of alcohol over a 24 hour period or if the application requests the sale of alcohol off the premises before 10.00, after 22.00 or both
- The granting of the application would not be consistent with one or more of the licensing objectives
- Considering the nature of the activities proposed, the location, character and condition of the premises and the types of people likely to visit the premises it is decided that the premises are unsuitable for selling alcohol.
A Licensing Board must take into account any notice from a chief constable or report of a Licensing Standards Officer.
Notification of a refusal or granting of an application will be given to the applicant, the chief constable, the Licensing Standards Officer and any person who gave a notice of objection or representation. A statement of reason can be requested by any person served with such a notice.
Will tacit consent apply?
No. It is in the public interest that the authority must process your application before it can be granted. If you have not heard from the local authority within a reasonable period, please contact us by submitting a general enquiry. (WEBFORM NEEDED)
There are two ways of applying:
- download an application form to be completed and submitted to the address shown.
- apply online using the Occasional Licence application - apply online.
Licence summary
To change any details on your Occasional Licence you must complete the attached form and send it Kirkintilloch Community Hub, 2-4 West High Street, Kirkintilloch, G66 1AD
The fee to change an Occasional Licence is £10.
Will Tacit Consent Apply?
No. It is in the public interest that the authority must process your application before it can be granted. If you have not heard from the local authority within a reasonable period, please contact us [opens in a new window]
Apply to change an Occasional Licence
There are two ways of applying:
- Download an application form to be completed and submitted to the address shown.
- Apply online using the Application to change an Occasional Licence application.
If a Chief Constable feels that by granting an occasional notice could affect crime prevention objectives, they may serve a notice on the licensing authority specifying as much. This notice must be served within 21 days of receipt of the original application notice.
Any person may object to an application by way of a notice to the licensing authority or make representations in support of the application or in relation to any conditions that should be attached to the licence.
In the event of a notice by the Chief Constable or other objection, the application will be considered by the Council’s Licensing Board.