Licensing and Permits
More Licensing and Permits Links
- Apply for an Amusements with Prizes Licence
- Apply for an Animal Boarding Licence
- Licenses Related to Animal Welfare, Breeding, and Selling Animals
- Apply for a Children in Entertainment Licence
- Cooling Tower Notification
- Apply for a door to door Metal Dealer Licence
- Registration of a Food Business Establishment
- Apply for a Fireworks Display Dispensation
- Apply for Gaming Machines Licence
- Apply for an Indoor Sports Licence
- Apply for a Knife Dealer Licence
- Apply for a Late Hours Catering Licence
- Licensing Standards
- Apply for a Lotteries or Amusements Licence
- Apply for a Market Operator Licence
- Apply for a Metal Dealer Licence
- Apply to Obstruct a road with Building Materials and Scaffolding
- Apply for an Obstruction to Pavements for Displays Licence
- Occasional licence register
- Apply to Place Outdoor Seating Outside a Cafe
- Apply for Performing Animals Licence
- Permission for Community Group and Charity Advertising
- Apply for a Personal Licence
- Apply for a Petroleum Storage Certificate
- Apply for a Portable Traffic lights Permit
- Apply for a Premises Licence
- Public Charitable Collections
- Apply for a Public Entertainment Licence
- Apply for a Public Processions and Marches Licence
- Public processions and marches
- Apply for Riding Establishment Licence
- Road Opening Permit Section 56 and 109
- Apply for a Safety Certificate for a Regulated Stand at a Sports Ground
- Apply for Second Hand Dealer Licence
- Apply for a Second Hand Vehicle Dealer Licence
- Apply for a Skin Piercing and Tattooing Licence
- Apply for Street Trading Licence
- Taxi or Private Hire drivers
- Taxi or Private Hire operators
- Apply for a Temporary Raised Structures Permit
- Temporary road closure
- Apply to open a Theatre
- Apply for a Window Cleaners Licence
- Apply to open a Zoo
- List of licenced establishments
- List of wheelchair accessible taxi and private hire vehicles
- Licensing complaints
- Apply for a Skip Permit