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Stage 6 - Adopted Local Development Plan 2

On 28 November 2022, the Council received notification that Scottish Ministers did not intend to issue a Direction in relation to the Proposed LDP2.

As such Local Development Plan 2 constitutes the adopted plan for East Dunbartonshire and Local Development Plan 1 (adopted 2017) has now been superseded. View the LDP2 document.

Map to accompany the LDP2
Environmental Report
SEA Post-Adoption Statement
LDP2 Action Programme

If you have any queries please contact or telephone the Land Planning Policy Team via Customer Services on 0300 123 4510, Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm.

Stage 5 – Notice of Intention to Adopt

The Council proposes to adopt the East Dunbartonshire Proposed Local Development Plan 2 (as modified). The Proposed Plan has been modified following receipt of the Report of Examination from Scottish Ministers. The Proposed Plan (as modified), together with the modifications, may be inspected during normal opening hours at all local libraries; Bearsden Community Hub; Bishopbriggs Community Hub; Kirkintilloch Community Hub; and Lennoxtown Community Hub.

Stage 4: Examination

The Report of Examination on the Proposed Local Development Plan 2 was published on Tuesday 12 July 2022 by the Scottish Government’s Planning and Environmental Appeals Division (DPEA).

The Report can be viewed via the Scottish Government website.

The Reporter made a number of recommendations on the plan – the list of modifications can be found using the link above. These are currently being considered by the Land Planning Policy Team and will be reported to Council.

Planning regulations require Councils to formally notify the Scottish Government of their intentions to adopt their Local Development Plan within 3 months of receiving the examination report.

Stage 3: Proposed Plan

The East Dunbartonshire Proposed Local Development Plan 2 (LDP2) was published on 19 October 2020 for public consultation. The consultation ended on 15 January 2021. Full details of the consultation, including links to the various supporting documents, can be found in the consultation archive section of the Council website. The Council is currently assessing all responses and will be reporting the outcomes to an appropriate Council Committee in due course. Following this, we will commence the next stage in the LDP2 preparation process by submitting the Proposed Plan to the Scottish Government for an independent examination.

In the meantime, as the Proposed Plan represents the Council’ settled view on the future land use strategy for East Dunbartonshire, it is an additional material consideration in conjunction with the adopted Local Development Plan in the assessment of planning applications.

Stage 2: Main Issues Report

The Main issues Report (MIR) (please email for a copy of this document) is a key step towards the preparation of a new Local Development Plan. It sets out a series of preferred options for future development throughout East Dunbartonshire, across a range of issues. The MIR also includes a number of ‘reasonable alternative options’ for each issue. These preferred options and reasonable alternatives have been identified following an extensive early engagement and evidence gathering exercise (see Stage 1 below) and form the basis of the MIR.

Consultation on the MIR was carried out between 15 October and 10 December 2019. Details of this consultation can be found in the consultation archive section of the website.

Stage 1: Early Engagement and Evidence Gathering

Early engagement and consultation was carried out between 3 December 2018 and 11 February 2019. During this period, we invited local communities, key agencies and other interested parties to complete a questionnaire and outline their views on what the key priorities should be for Local Development Plan 2. The early engagement period also provided an opportunity for people to give us feedback at workshops, drop-in sessions and community meetings. In addition, the Council carried out a `Call for Sites' exercise, in line with Government requirements, in which we asked any interested parties (including local communities, landowners and developers) to provide information about areas they would wish to see considered for potential development. The outcomes of this process are set out in the Report of Consultation document.