Important announcement


Delighted staff and pupils at Turnbull High School in Bishopbriggs have just one New Year's resolution for 2024 and that is to build on the success they have achieved in their recent Inspection Report from Education Scotland

(left to right) – Head teacher Elaine Kennedy, Turnbull High School pupils, Councillor Lynda Williamson and Chief Education Officer, Greg Bremner.
(left to right) – Head teacher Elaine Kennedy, Turnbull High School pupils, Councillor Lynda Williamson and Chief Education Officer, Greg Bremner.

Inspectors published a glowing report about the school following visits last year and this has given everyone at Turnbull High the best possible start to 2024. Here is what the inspection found: 

Quality Indicators

Quality Indicators

Quality Indicators and evaluation
Quality Indicators Evaluation

Leadership of change

very good

Learning, teaching and assessment

very good

Ensuring wellbeing, equality & inclusion

very good

Raising attainment & achievement

very good

Some of the many key strengths highlighted in the report were: 

  • The headteacher’s strong and caring leadership, supported by the senior management team, is highly valued across the school community.  
  • Teachers have very strong approaches to checking how well learners are progressing and attaining. As a result, young people can confidently discuss their strengths and next steps in learning. 
  • Young people’s attainment and achievements are very strong across the school. 
  • Staff use targeted approaches to supporting specific young people who require additional support. Care experienced young people are very well supported to achieve and attain. 
  • The school’s strong, faith-based ethos and Catholic identity ensure young people feel valued and included across the school community. 
Huge congratulations to the whole school community of Turnbull High on this wonderful Inspection Report.
Councillor Lynda Williamson, Convener of the Council's Education Committee

"The inspectors' findings and their comments are a testament to the hard work and commitment of the Headteacher, her staff, pupils and their families. It is a fabulous school where the young people are supported on their journey to achieve the best that they can. I look forward to visiting Turnbull High School again soon."

Headteacher, Eileen Kennedy added, " We are delighted to receive this very positive report which celebrates the significant and many strengths of our school. The detailed narrative recognises the commitment and hard work of the entire school community and highlights the ways in which our values underpin this."