Residents, businesses and groups are being invited to help prepare the way for a vital document which – when adopted – will guide the future use of land in East Dunbartonshire.
The Council is beginning work on its next Local Development Plan (LDP) – to be known as LDP3.

An LDP sets out a long-term vision for where development should and should not happen.
It's vital for:
- Addressing climate change
- Delivering high-quality places to live
- Attracting new jobs and investment
- Regenerating town centres
- Protecting historic and natural environment.
The current Local Development Plan – LDP2 – has been adopted and will remain in place until LDP3 is fully approved (expected by early 2028).
The Council is asking communities and stakeholders how they would like to be consulted in the process of preparing LDP3.
The Draft Participation Statement sets out proposed engagement at various stages and is part of the overall Development Plan Scheme – which sets out a work programme for delivery.
The Council is seeking your views on communications, engagement activities, materials, support for new Local Place Plans and how to balance areas of potential conflict and dispute.

You can also attend an information session/presentation:
- Bishopbriggs War Memorial Hall (Balmuildy Road, Bishopbriggs G64 3BS) – Thursday 8 June – 6.30-8pm
- Bearsden Hall (above Bearsden Community Hub – 69 Drymen Road, Bearsden G61 3QT) – Monday 12 June – 7.15-8.45pm
- Online (link will be supplied in advance) – Wednesday 21 June – 5-6.30pm
Please email sends e-mail) to register your interest and reserve your place.
Councillor Gordan Low, Leader of the Council, said, "We are currently at the very early stages of preparing a new Local Development Plan – LDP3. We want to make sure we are engaging with residents, businesses and groups as effectively as possible so please get involved if you can.
"There will be many opportunities to participate in shaping LDP3 as it progresses – both online and at local events."
In addition to the website survey, comments can also be provided by:
- Email to sends e-mail)
- Post to Land Planning Policy, Southbank House, Strathkelvin Place, Kirkintilloch, East Dunbartonshire G66 1XQ
For Frequently Asked Questions on LDPs,
- Recent changes to the planning system in Scotland aim to empower communities and strengthen links between citizens, communities and the planning system. That includes the introduction of Local Place Plans – a way for communities to highlight issues, suggest ideas and outline aspirations for their areas. Visit the Local Place Plans webpage for more information.