
There’s a spring in the step of everyone in the Lenzie Academy community following the publication of a positive inspection report by Education Scotland. 

A team of inspectors put the school under the microscope in November 2024 and they have released their findings which make very encouraging reading. Their evaluation is as follows: 

Lenzie Academy inspection report findings

Lenzie Academy inspection report findings showing both Quality Indicator and Evaluation
Quality Indicator Evaluation

Leadership of change


Learning, teaching and assessment

Very Good

Ensuring wellbeing, equality and inclusion


Raising attainment and achievement

Very Good

Teachers and pupils outside Lenzie Academy
Teachers and pupils outside Lenzie Academy

Some of the many strengths identified by the Inspectors include: 

  • The headteacher and senior leaders work well with staff across the school, who are empowered to take leadership responsibilities. Middle leaders work well to support young people in their learning
  • Teachers provide consistently well-planned learning experiences for young people. As a result, young people are highly motivated to learn and achieve, take responsibility for their own learning and attain well
  • Staff have established an ethos which promotes strong and respectful relationships. As a result, young people feel supported and are encouraged to have high expectations and aspirations
  • Young people demonstrate very strong attainment across the school. 
This is a very strong inspection report and one which everyone at Lenzie Academy should be proud of.
Councillor Lynda Williamson, Convener of the Council’s Education Committee

On a visit to Lenzie Academy to meet staff and pupils, Councillor Lynda Williamson, Convener of the Council’s Education Committee, said, “Creating a learning atmosphere that gives pupils the confidence to have high expectations and aspirations for themselves is a very special thing. It is clear that the relationships that have been built in this school are such that everyone is working together towards achieving the very best for every pupil. Inspectors were clear that the teachers’ focus on supporting young people was reaping rewards and that as a result, pupils are enthusiastic and positive about what they can achieve. Well done everyone!”  

Headteacher, Brian Paterson, added, "As a school we are very happy with the inspection report, which highlights many important and major strengths within the school. We are particularly pleased that inspectors recognised the very strong, positive relationships and teamwork that exists across all areas of our school community. 

“The inspection team was hugely impressed with the high quality of learning & teaching that they witnessed within the school, across all curricular areas, and with the very positive outcomes achieved for young people in terms of their attainment, wider achievement and positive post-school destinations.” 

You can read the report on the Education Scotland website.