
More than 300 people with a role in helping to support children and young people with additional support needs in East Dunbartonshire came together recently to share knowledge, career experience and best practice. 

Teachers, Support Assistants, Social Work staff and Health colleagues attended the Council’s annual Additional Support Needs (ASN) showcase event which was held in its flagship ASN school, Woodland View in Kirkintilloch. 

Members of the Council’s Education Service who helped organise the event standing outside Woodland View School
Group picture

The all-day event gave participants the opportunity to attend four interactive workshops, choosing their preferred learning points along more than a dozen themes including: 

  • Supporting young people with neurodiversity 
  • Supporting language and communication 
  • ASN inclusive sports 
  • Keeping The Promise 
  • Trauma informed practice in the classroom 
  • Help for young carers. 

The day’s keynote speech was delivered by Education Scotland’s Senior Education Officer for Inclusion, Wellbeing & Equality, Fran Foreman. And during breaks and at lunchtime, there was an opportunity to visit the huge village of stalls set up in the large open spaces of the school to allow mingling, networking and further learning.

Participants mingle at information stalls.

Councillor Lynda Williamson, Convener of the Council’s Education Committee, opened the showcase and met participants and contributors. She said

This was a fantastic opportunity for professionals in this very complex field to get together and share best practice with one another.
Councillor Lynda Williamson, Convener of the Council’s Education Committee

"Not only did they bring vast amounts of experience and expertise but they demonstrated a passion and commitment to do their very best for children and young people with additional support needs. 

“My thanks to them all for coming along to embrace new ideas and continue their professional development to ensure that all our children and young people receive an education that meets their own specific needs and enables them to reach their full potential. Thanks also to the organisers within the Education Service who provided an event to excite and inspire everyone who came along.”