
The Council’s Housing Revenue and Capital Budget was agreed at last night’s Council Budget meeting.

The Housing Capital Investment Plan has been developed with two over-arching strategic priorities; to improve the energy efficiency and quality of the existing housing stock, and to increase the supply of affordable housing throughout the area.

The Housing Services expenditure budget for 2025/26 is estimated at £16.706 million while the Housing Capital budget includes investment of just under £8 million across the existing estate. An allocation of £15.375 million to the affordable housing investment programme was agreed.

Housing Revenue Budget 2025/26
Housing Revenue Budget 2025/26

The Housing Capital budget investment of just under £8 million across the existing estate includes:

  • Investing just over £6 million to improve the quality and energy efficiency of existing Council houses to meet quality and environmental standards, including over £2.8 million on housing quality including a replacement programme for windows, doors, kitchens and bathrooms and £3 million on energy efficiency measures.

The budget also incudes investment of a further £4 million for the purchase of properties from the open market. 

Council Leader Councillor Gordan Low said, “Despite the financial challenges facing all Local Authorities we feel with this budget we have continued to show our commitment in investing in the development of our existing housing supply while proactively adding to it.

“We have outlined plans that will see over 300 new properties progressing through development across nine locations right across the area. Our proposal to build these new homes to Passivhaus standards ensures that we maximise energy efficiency, minimise heat demand and deliver the twin goals of negligible carbon emissions whilst addressing fuel poverty.

“This is good news for East Dunbartonshire and a step towards our net zero carbon commitments. A further £4 million to purchase properties from the open market will see the Council purchasing around 25 properties a year focusing on areas where it is challenging to build whilst to meet specific local demand.”

A rent increase of 4% was agreed, increasing the average weekly rent to £101.57 over 48 weeks, an increase of £3.91 per week. A 4% increase for lock-up and garage site rents was also approved. 

The Housing Business Plan, Housing Revenue and Capital Budget for 2025/26 and our Strategic Housing Investment plan are all good news for our housing estate and more importantly for our tenants.
Council Leader Councillor Gordan Low

He added, “The rent from our housing estate directly supports our housing operations and housing investment right across the estate.

“Our aim is to ensure rent remains affordable for our tenants. Our agreed rent increase of 4% is the third lowest of the 15 comparison authorities considered in our budget planning process and over two per cent lower that the comparison average of 6.1%.”

Additionally, a planned approach to preventive roofing measures, fencing and close painting programme for the existing housing stock were also outlined.