Important announcement

For opening hours and service changes over the festive period, please visit our Festive Information web page.

Flooding can devastate people and businesses and it is important to reduce the chance of it happening in East Dunbartonshire.

Flooding can be caused by a number of factors such as:

  • Rivers
  • Coastal
  • Surface water
  • Groundwater
  • Drain, sewer and broken water mains.

East Dunbartonshire Council has a duty to protect the people and businesses within its jurisdiction against the impacts of flooding.


Flooding legislation listed below.

Flood Risk Management (Scotland) Act 2009 (FRM Act 2009)

This act came into force on 16 June 2009 - replacing the previous Flood Prevention (Scotland) Act 1961. It aims to provide an efficient and sustainable approach to flood-risk management in Scotland.

Scottish Planning Policy (SPP)

This sets out national planning policies which reflect the Scottish Government’s priorities for the operation, planning, development and use of land across Scotland. This includes guidance to ensure future development will not adversely affect the existing infrastructure, including flood risk.

Flooding and Drainage Guidance Document for Development and Regeneration

The purpose of this guidance is to assist developers to ensure that any new development has been assessed with regards to flood risk from all sources and that all mitigation measures are in place and adhere to current design standards.

East Dunbartonshire has undertaken a review of the drainage and flooding guidance previously issued to developers for any new development. This information has been updated and streamlined to be in accordance with the FRM Act 2009 and the SPP. This document was initially published on December 2014 and subsequently updated in May 2015.

For more information, read our flooding and drainage guidance.

Local Flood Risk Management Plan​​

Glasgow City Council as Lead Local Authority recently published the Cycle 2 Local Flood Risk Management Plan (The Plan) for the Clyde and Loch Lomond (CaLL) Local Plan District (LPD), visit Glasgow City Council's website to find out more.

SEPA held a consultation on its Flood Risk Management Plans and Local Flood Risk Management Plans in 2021, visit SEPA's website to find out more.

Statutory bodies

Introduction needed here

Scottish Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA)

SEPA is Scotland’s principal environmental regulator. Its main purpose is to protect and improve Scotland’s environment. East Dunbartonshire Council and other stakeholders work in partnership to minimise flood risk to any existing and proposed development, ensuring it complies with SPP.

Visit SEPA’s website is a useful source of information providing live flooding updates.

Scottish Water

Scottish Water is a publicly-owned company answerable to the Scottish Government, responsible for providing the delivery of fresh drinking water to all households in Scotland and also the removal of waste water and surface water every day. Scottish Water has an intensive network of surface, foul and combined sewers throughout the East Dunbartonshire Council area.

Scottish Water’s website can be used for fault reporting - such as:

  • No water supply
  • Water leak/bursts
  • Sewer flooding
  • Water pressure
  • Water quality or contamination

Historic flood events

East Dunbartonshire Council records all historical flood event data reported. Data held in the Roads Management System (RMS) helps the Council to be proactive in terms of identifying problem areas by reviewing where flood events are and prioritising by severity.

The Council's flooding and drainage team work closely together to improve any known issues that directly affect the road or watercourse network.

Case studies

Introduction needed here

River Kelvin Flood Prevention Scheme (completed 2002)

Large areas of industrial and residential property were inundated by flood waters on 10/11 December 1994 - causing many millions of pounds worth of damage and having an adverse effect on local communities.

The flood authority at the time was Strathclyde Regional Council and, in January 1996, it commissioned a flood study of the River Kelvin from Kilsyth to Killermont. The report was published in October 1996, by which time local government reorganisation had taken place and East Dunbartonshire Council had become the flood authority for the majority of the Kelvin Valley.

East Dunbartonshire Council promoted and managed the construction of the River Kelvin Flood Prevention Scheme and is committed to ensuring the scheme continues to function and that the community is protected from a repeat of the events in 1994.

Colquhoun Park Flood Alleviation Scheme, Bearsden (completed 2014)

This is located to the south of Colquhoun Park in Bearsden, which has one open watercourse and two culverted watercourses running through this area. These are:

  • The Ledcameroch Burn
  • St Germain’s Burn
  • The Garscadden Burn.

There have been numerous historic events at Colquhoun Park involving localised flooding - particularly since the development of the site between 1963 and 1983. Significant events occurred in August 2006, July 2013 and 22 October 2013. East Dunbartonshire Council commissioned and promoted a flood alleviation scheme under the FRM Act 2009. Detailed modelling of these watercourses was undertaken - including environmental and engineering options - to determine the most effective methods for managing the flood risk.

The scheme was completed in November 2014, with landscaping completed in the summer of 2015. In essence the scheme comprises:

  • Wetland area in the north east of Colquhoun Park
  • Installation of overflow chambers to direct flow to the wetlands
  • Embankment creation
  • Day-lighting and diversions of watercourse
  • Re-profiling existing ground levels
  • Creation of a detention basin
  • Relocation of play park
  • Installation of highway road drainage

The wetlands function as additional storage during high rainfall events, easing the impact on the existing drainage system. Localised ground profiling and bunding offer an additional level of protection. The scheme also provides additional amenity value to the general public with the reinstatement of an existing skating pond and construction of a new children’s playpark.

In addition, the wetlands offer a bio-diverse environment for planting and provide a habitat for wildlife, as well as promoting wellbeing within the local community.

Colquhoun Park Flood Alleviation Scheme is an excellent example of managing surface water and enhancing urban diversity. The scheme delivers a sustainable solution and delivers climate change resilience for the future.

Flood advice an​d support

The Scottish Flood Forum (SFF) is a charitable organisation which provides support and represents people affected by – or at risk of flooding. Please visit SSF website(link is external) for information and the services they may be available to offer.

You can find up to date information on flooding including forecasts by visiting The Scottish Flood Forecast.

UK Government - FloodRe – Flood Insurance

Flood Re is the National scheme designed to help provide better access to affordable home insurance for those in high flood-risk areas across the UK. It represents a long-term, sustainable approach to providing home insurance for those at flood risk.

Can Flood Re help me?

Flood Re works in the background, helping the insurance industry offer more affordable insurance to everyone with eligible properties that may be at risk of flooding.

What do I need to do?

  1. Talk to your insurer and ask them if your home is eligible for the Flood Re Scheme (details of our eligibility are set out on our website).
  2. Be prepared to shop around .It is important that people at high flood-risk in your area shop around for the best insurance policy. A list of participating insurers is available by visiting Flood Re website(link is external)
  3. Remember, finding the right advice and products is important

Do I make my claims through Flood Re?

No. You will continue to buy insurance and make claims through your insurer in the same way as you do now.

What can I do to prevent flooding?

Find out more about flood risk levels in your area and how to minimise the impact on your property, visit the Government website.

How does Flood Re work?

We work behind the scenes, taking on the high flood risk elements of your home insurance. It works like this:

  • We collect an annual tax from home insurers who will contribute £180m to a fund each year that we manage centrally.
  • Your insurer passes on any high flood risk part of your policy to us, so you don’t have to do a thing. 
  • We then take responsibility for the flood risk part of your policy and if you make a valid claim on your insurance we’ll reimburse the insurer from the central Flood Re fund.

With this support from us, insurers should be able to provide affordable insurance, even on those homes which are most at risk as they no longer have to pay the cost of the flood claim. Over time, we estimate Flood Re will benefit over 350,000 households by providing access to those more affordable policies.

Further information visit the Flood Re website. If you require obtaining more information contact the following email

Emergency contact details

You can call our Customer Service team on 0300 123 4510 - Monday to Friday, from 9am to 5pm. Out of hours, calls will be answered by the Council's Emergency Response Centre. Alternatively you can email customer services.

Reporting a flood

If you have been affected by a flood event, please ensure that you complete the flooding/drainage form below. This enables the Council to improve services in response to flooding.

Flooding/drainage report

Please use this form to report a flooding/drainage issue.