
The Council’s iTrent system will be unavailable on Monday 19 August 2024 from 07:00 to 19:00 for the installation and testing of a software security upgrade. 

Neither Employee nor Manager Self Service will be available during this period, so please do not try to log in to iTrent during these times.   

If you have any issues in relation to iTrent during this period of downtime, please contact:

New iTrent sign in Arrangements 

When you are able to log back into the system from Tuesday 20 August, you will see changes to the iTrent login screen. 

Employees with an email address will access both Employee and Manager Self Service via the ‘Single Sign-on account’.  This means you will not need to re-enter your Windows log-in password to access the application. 

Employees with an email address will be able to access iTrent by selecting the ‘A different account’ option. You will then be required to enter your existing username and password as before. 

Screenshot below for reference. 

itrent login page
itrent login page

Should you have any questions in relation to this upgrade and the new sign in arrangements, please contact (link sends e-mail)

Thank you for your cooperation during this essential upgrade, and apologies for any inconvenience this may cause. 


Thank you