
Dear all,

I hope everyone who took some time off during the October Week school holidays had a lovely time with your families.

As ever, fantastic work is being carried out across the organisation, but I wanted to draw your attention to a few projects that will affect all employees.

  • Move to monthly pay – the recent Employee News Issue 26 detailed the rationale and benefits of us moving to one monthly payrun from April 2025. Please do take the time to read through the information, FAQs and join one of the sessions to learn more.
  • Pay Award 2024/2025 – details of this year’s Pay Award including dates of both uplift and arrears can be found on the Pay award section of the Employee Zone.
  • New Website and CRM system – our new Council website and Client Relationship Management system (CRM) are due to go live on Thursday 31 October. Both are designed to improve the customer experience and journey, making it a lot easier for our residents to self-serve by carrying out key actions like paying and reporting online. The new CRM will allow teams to manage and action your webforms in a more efficient way. The new website will also include the Employee Zone so non-networked colleagues can continue to access important information online.

I would also like to thank everyone who completed our Budget survey and/or encouraged family and friends to get involved. We received 1,295 responses which is 159 more than last year. The findings will be reported to Council in December with our budget finalised in February next year.

We all know that these are challenging times for public services. At the last Council meeting in September a paper highlighting the updated budget position was heard. You can read the paper and what this means for some of our projects on our website.

Despite this national outlook and our internal budget controls, our services are still performing to a high standard which is all down to you so thank you again for all your efforts.

Now for some updates…

Baljaffray Primary School strike Gold!

Congratulations to all staff and pupils at Baljaffray Primary School who were recently awarded a Gold UNICEF UK Rights Respecting School Award. This is the highest accolade given by UNICEF UK and shows a deep and thorough commitment to children’s rights at all levels of school life. The Award recognises achievement in putting the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child at the heart of a school’s planning, policies and practice. So well done, team Baljaffray, on all your hard work! To find out more visit the Baljaffray Primary School in Bearsden receives prestigious UNICEF UK Gold Award news release.

Financial Awareness Sessions

People Development and HR have organised a series of financially themed sessions aimed at helping employees better understand these topics and other areas of money management. With external partners attending such as Strathclyde Pension Fund and ScotWest Credit Union, the sessions are for all employees regardless of role or Grade. You can find dates for your diary on the Financial Wellbeing page of the Employee Zone.

Monthly Wellbeing Focus

As usual, our Monthly Wellbeing Focus is updated each month with key campaigns and details of support all employees can access. You can access this information on the Wellbeing section of the Employee Zone.

And Finally…

It was fantastic to see Primary 7 pupils from all seven Kirktintilloch Primary Schools getting a taste of the STEM subjects they will be taking when they move to Secondary school. The event at the Town Hall was a great success and special thanks to our Education colleagues who lead on the Raising Aspirations in Science Education (RAiSE) programme, the local Developing the Young Workforce team, and the twenty industry partners. The event was an excellent example of partnership working as everyone came together to provide a wonderful learning opportunity for our young people.
