

Friday 12 May

Dear All

Welcome to this latest edition of our Depute Chief Executive Update. As always, I hope that you and your families are keeping safe and well.

Our migration to Microsoft Outlook is continuing and shared mailboxes are next to be transitioned. Please ensure that your teams are aware of the timescales and any actions required in this latest phase.

In my last update in April I mentioned the roll out of our standard corporate signature (see Employee News 14 for full details). There are still a few variations of the corporate signature circulating, so please visit the M365 Adoption Hub and follow the steps to add the standard signature to your email account.

A wee reminder too, that we should not be applying any background designs or colours to our emails, they should remain white to ensure we meet public sector accessibility requirements.

Congratulations in this edition go to all those that support positive destinations for our school leavers. The most recent results show that positive destination rates in East Dunbartonshire were 98.95% - our highest level ever and the best rate in Scotland. This is a great achievement and you can read more by following the links in the news summary below.

This week has also seen Provost Gillian Renwick launch her Community Champion Awards – check the news item below for more information on the categories and timescales and have a think about you think would be worthy of a nomination in recognition of what they do in the community.

Now on to our regular news roundup.

News from the Council….

Network of over 70 defibrillators to be installed
Following a decision by Council earlier this year and a consultation of community organisations and partners, a network of over 70 defibrillators is to be installed in Council buildings and facilities right across East Dunbartonshire. The network of potentially life-saving devices will be registered with the National Defibrillator Network and will be visible to NHS Ambulance services, who can alert callers to the nearest devices and potentially save lives. Read more about our approach in the news release on the Council website.

Becoming a trauma informed Council

A reminder that with our partners, we have created a multi-agency group to take forward the Scottish Government’s pledge to ensure workplaces understand and respond to trauma experienced by employees and service users. The East Dunbartonshire Adverse Childhood Experiences and Trauma Collaborative (EDATC) would like to hear from you if you are interested in finding out more about developing trauma informed practice within your service. Take five minutes to read more about it in the Employee Zone.

Top of the class for school leaver outcomes
Latest figures from Skills Development Scotland (SDS) make encouraging reading for our schools and local families as they show how 98.95% of school leavers went on to positive destinations in 2021/22. This performance is the best in Scotland and is our highest ever rate. Read more about this outstanding achievement.

Provost’s Community Champion Awards
Provost Renwick has launched her Community Champion Awards and is looking for nominations from throughout the area in six categories:
- Community Champion
- Young Champion
- Caring Champion
- Sports Champion
- Arts & Heritage Champion
- Sustainability Champion
Full details and the application form can be found in the news release announcing the awards and there is a dedicated Community Champions Awards page on the website. All nominations must be received by Thursday 8 June.

Swinging into Spring in Bearsden
Children in Bearsden are now enjoying a new and much improved play park at Mosshead. Boasting an array of new equipment, the park design was voted for by the community and has been given the seal of approval by local children. Councillor Pamela Marshall officially launched the impressive new £100,000 play facility last month, along with children from nearby Mosshead Primary School Primary School. The renovation was funded by the Scottish Government’s Play Park Renewal Programme.

Support our award-winning accessible Film Club
It's time to play the music. It's time to light the lights. It's time to meet The Muppets at the Spectrum Film Club on Tuesday 16 May, 5pm (doors 4.15pm) at Kilmardinny House, Bearsden.

The much-loved Disney movie is the latest film to be screened at this award-winning monthly film club which has specially designed screenings for people with autism and associated conditions and their families/carers. Do you know anyone who would benefit? Please spread the word. 

Seats can be booked online and payment of £4 is taken on the door. For more information on the club please visit the Spectrum Film Club webpage

Share your views on Community Grants
Community groups across East Dunbartonshire are being asked for their views on the Council’s Community Grants Scheme which provides financial support for local organisations for a wide range of projects. Earlier this year the Council agreed to review the current scheme to ensure it provides the most effective support to the local community and is looking for your views. Complete the online survey (open until May 26) by visiting the community grant consultation. Groups can also take part via in-person workshops throughout May. If you’d like to find out more about the workshops, please email

Millersneuk pupils are Euro Stars
Felicitaciones, Herzlichen Glückwunsch, Gratuluję and Congratulations to the team of four quiz brains from Millersneuk Primary who won the local heats of the annual Euroquiz competition. The P6 pupils will go on to represent East Dunbartonshire in the national finals in Edinburgh next month. See our quizzing stars and learn more about their success.

International Workers Memorial Day 2023
We commemorated International Workers Memorial Day on Friday 28 April with a well-attended wreath-laying event at Bishopbriggs Memorial Cairn, led by Council Leader Gordan Low. Representatives from our local Trades Unions and Community Planning Partners joined the Council Leader, Chief Executive and other councillors at the event which is held each year to remember those who have lost their lives or been injured at their place of work.

News from the EDLC Trust….

New Perspectives of the West Highland Way at the Lillie Art Gallery
Edging West is the latest exhibition at the Lillie Art Gallery and explores the sights and sounds of the iconic 96 mile West Highland Way, which begins in Milngavie and ends in Fort William in the Highlands. The exhibition runs from Saturday 20 May to Thursday 29 June 2023, and will give visitors the chance to experience the route through a series of evocative and inspirational works created by a group called edge textile artists Scotland. Read more in the news release online.

Library Green Machine – it’s a novel idea!
The Wee Green Library is a fabulous new electric vehicle that is helping to spread the word about libraries to children and their families. The environmentally friendly vehicle takes books to primary schools and community groups, supporting reading, music and participatory groups throughout the area. It also transports materials for arts and craft sessions and can support moving books between East Dunbartonshire’s local libraries. Visit our news release for more details.

Employee Wellbeing News….

Employee Wellbeing
The Wellbeing page of the Employee Zone has a host of information and signposting to support across a range of wellbeing matters, including financial wellbeing, emotional wellbeing and bereavement support. Do visit the page if it may be of assistance to you – and share the link with colleagues if you think they might benefit.

Please remember that if you need it, our Employee Assistance Programme includes a 24/7 confidential helpline and support service ‘Time for Talking’ which is available to all our employees.

Monthly Wellbeing Focus
Our Monthly Wellbeing Focus has specific wellbeing campaigns and initiatives being featured for the month, is published in the Monthly Wellbeing Focus page of the Employee Zone.

Dates for your Diary…  

16 May                       Next screening for Spectrum Film Club
16 May – 29 May     Foster Care Fortnight
17 May                       International Day against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia
26 May – 29 May     School May Holiday weekend
5 June                        World Environment Day
8 June                        Closing date for Community Champion Award submissions

And finally….

As always, my continued thanks to you all – stay safe and keep well. The next edition of this Depute Chief Executive Update will be in a fortnight’s time, around the late May school holiday weekend.
