We are committed to ensuring that the consultation methods we use meet the needs of everyone who wishes to take part. We will provide any printed, electronic, face-to-face or telephone information relating to a consultation in an alternative format or language on request.

For public events we also aim to accommodate any specific needs on request. If you have any needs which would help you attend an event please call 0300 123 4510 or email customerservices@eastdunbarton.gov.uk

Read our Consultation and Engagement Strategy 2024 - 2027.

Archived Consultations

86 result(s)
Title Summary Audience Closing Date

Planning Guidance Updates 2024 – Consultation

Consultation is being held on two Planning Guidance updates which aim to protect the historic environment locally and to ensure appropriate developer contributions for schools.



Indicative Local Housing Land Requirement – Consultation

Consultation is being held on a preferred Indicative Local Housing Land Requirement for East Dunbartonshire as part of the preparation of a new Local Development Plan – LDP3.



Consultation on East Dunbartonshire Sports Playing Pitch Assessment & Strategy Report

This consultation is an opportunity for residents and interested parties to have their say on the draft Playing Pitch Assessment and Strategy Report for East Dunbartonshire.



Proposed Westerhill Development Road – Consultation

Residents, businesses, landowners and road users – have your say and help guide the Westerhill Development Road in Bishopbriggs.



Early Years and Out of School Care Consultation

The purpose of this consultation is to help East Dunbartonshire Council gather the views of parents and carers about Early Learning and Childcare and Out of School Care Services.



East Dunbartonshire Council’s Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategy (LHEES)

This consultation about East Dunbartonshire Council’s Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategy (LHEES) is an opportunity for residents, businesses and organisations living or operating locally to have their say on decarbonising heat and improving energy efficiency in buildings throughout the area.



Auchinairn Housing consultation - Affordable Housing Provision - Follow Up Consultation

Residents are being given another chance to find out about proposals to build over 60 affordable homes for social rent in Auchinairn. 



Cleddans Playing Fields – Affordable Housing Provision - Follow Up Consultation

Residents are being given another chance to find out about proposals to build around 51 affordable homes in Kirkintilloch. 



Have Your Say - Budget Consultation 2025/26

East Dunbartonshire Council sets its annual Budget in February each year. For over a decade now, the Council has had to make significant savings each year to set a balanced budget. As we prepare to set our Budget for 2025/26, we continue to face a significant funding gap.

