Important announcement

For opening hours and service changes over the festive period, please visit our Festive Information web page.

Purpose of the Service and Work of Teams

The Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) is responsible for the planning and delivery of a range of community health, social work and social care services.

These services are for older people, adults, children and families and people in the Criminal Justice System in the East Dunbartonshire Council area, utilising funding from the Council and Health Board.

The Partnership was created in 2015 under the provisions of the Public Bodies Act 2014, in order to improve the outcomes for people using health and social care services and also to improve efficiencies through the integration of strategic, operational and financial planning.

An HSCP Board, comprising voting members appointed by the Council and Health Board produces a strategic plan, allocates the integrated revenue budget for health and social care and oversees service delivery and performance. Other members representing the interests of patients, service users, carers, professionals and trade unions also sit on the Board and contribute to its work. 

The Council and Health Board continue to employ staff and deliver services in line with the HSCP’s overall strategic priorities and budgets.

The work of the Partnership extends to a very wide range of combined health, social work and social care service areas as follows:

  • Intake, Assessment and Care Management, and multi-disciplinary care and treatment services for people with learning disabilities, physical disabilities, mental health support needs, substance misuse issues, sensory impairment, and issues arising from disability and frailty associated with older age
  • Rehabilitation and Occupational Therapy Services
  • Care at Home Services (in-house and purchased)
  • Residential and Care Home Services (in-house and purchased)
  • Day care and day opportunity services (in-house and purchased)
  • Supported accommodation and supported living (in-house and purchased)
  • Local Area Coordination
  • Palliative care
  • District nursing services
  • Primary care services
  • Pharmaceutical services
  • General and public dental services
  • Health Improvement
  • Carer and Respite Services (in-house and purchased)
  • Telecare Services
  • Housing Support - Aids and Adaptation Services
  • Greenspace - Care of Gardening Scheme
  • Child and Adult protection services
  • Family support
  • Fostering, Kinship Care and Adoption Services
  • Throughcare, Aftercare and Continuing Care services
  • Health visiting
  • School nursing
  • Speech and Language Services
  • Youth Justice
  • Children with Disability
  • Children’s Residential Services
  • Intake, Assessment and Care Management, and multi-disciplinary care and treatment services for children and families, including people with learning disabilities, physical disabilities, mental health support needs, substance misuse issues, sensory impairment
  • Criminal Justice Services including prison based social work services at HMP Low Moss.

In addition to planning and operational responsibility for services delegated in total to the HSCP the HSCP also has joint planning responsibility for unplanned hospital services alongside NHS GG&C. These services include:

  • Accident and Emergency services
  • Inpatient hospital services relating to the following branches of medicine – general, geriatric, rehabilitation, respiratory, palliative care, mental health, learning disability, substance misuse.

The work of these teams is guided by statute and by a process of continuous improvement reflecting the HSCP Strategic Priorities, the National Health and Social Care Outcomes and Local Outcomes 3, 5 and 6 in particular.

Our Priorities for 2024-27

The HSCP Board’s Strategic Plan emphasises the need to plan and deliver services that contribute to health, wellbeing and safety throughout people’s lives. This approach focuses on a healthy start to life and targets the needs of people at critical periods throughout their lifetime. It also includes intervening and supporting people when their safety and welfare may be at risk and if they find themselves involved with justice services. The Strategic Plan promotes timely effective interventions that address the causes, not just the consequences, of ill health, deprivation and a range of other life circumstances.

By analysing the key drivers for change and the main challenges, the HSCP has identified eight Strategic Priorities and four Strategic Enablers to support the delivery of these priorities:

Strategic Priority 1 Empowering People
Strategic Priority 2 Empowering Communities
Strategic Priority 3 Prevention and Early Intervention
Strategic Priority 4 Public Protection
Strategic Priority 5 Supporting Families and Carers
Strategic Priority 6 Improving Mental Health and Recovery
Strategic Priority 7 Post Pandemic Renewal
Strategic Priority 8 Maximising Operational Integration
Strategic Enabler 1 Workforce and Organisational Development
Strategic Enabler 2 Medium Term Financial and Strategic Planning
Strategic Enabler 3 Collaborative Commissioning and Whole System Working
Strategic Enabler 4 Infrastructure and Technology

These strategic priorities and associated improvement activity are informed by:

  • Joint Strategic Needs Assessments
  • Benchmarking
  • Extensive consultative processes, informed by statutory guidance
  • Audit Scotland reports on the progress of HSCPs Scotland-wide
  • Local Strategic Inspections
  • Ministerial Strategic Group guidance
  • Impact Assessments (EqIA, FSD, SEA).

The Health and Social Care Partnership Strategic Planning Group is the multi-agency strategic planning group responsible for progressing actions to achieve local outcome 5 and 6 priorities. The HSCP Chief Officer also chairs the Delivering for Children and Young People’s Partnership multi-agency strategic planning group responsible for progressing actions to achieve local outcome 3 priorities.

Improvement Actions

Health and Social Care Improvement Actions
Area For Improvement Improvement Activity Rationale for Inclusion Related LOIP Priority Due Date

Continue to develop as a Trauma Informed organisation

Further develop person centered, rights-based, outcome focused approaches

Trauma Informed Practice Strategy implemented / Continued delivery of Trauma training to staff and partner agencies

Our children and young people are safe, healthy and ready to learn / Our people experience good physical and mental health and wellbeing with access to a quality built and natural environment in which to lead healthier and more active lifestyles.

31 Mar 2025

Continue to develop as a Trauma Informed organisation

Further develop person centered, rights-based, outcome focused approaches

Trauma Informed Practice Strategy implemented / Continued delivery of Trauma training to staff and partner agencies

Our older population and more vulnerable citizens are supported to maintain their independence and enjoy a high quality of life, and they, their families and carers benefit from effective care and support services

31 Mar 2025

Improve service information, public communication and advice

Improve online accessibility and signposting to information and services through further development and promotion of the HSCP website

Website is up to date and promoted by staff to service users to promote self-management and accurate sources of information

Our children and young people are safe, healthy and ready to learn / Our people experience good physical and mental health and wellbeing with access to a quality built and natural environment in which to lead healthier and more active lifestyles

31 Mar 2025

Improve service information, public communication and advice

Improve online accessibility and signposting to information and services through further development and promotion of the HSCP website

Website is up to date and promoted by staff to service users to promote self-management and accurate sources of information

Our older population and more vulnerable citizens are supported to maintain their independence and enjoy a high quality of life, and they, their families and carers benefit from effective care and support services

31 Mar 2025

Review and reframe locality focused working

Work with communities to develop a network of assets and informal support options

Increase number of community groups delivering informal community resources / Increased community capacity and engagement

Our children and young people are safe, healthy and ready to learn / Our people experience good physical and mental health and wellbeing with access to a quality built and natural environment in which to lead healthier and more active lifestyles

31 Mar 2025

Review and reframe locality focused working

Work with communities to develop a network of assets and informal support options

Increase number of community groups delivering informal community resources / Increased community capacity and engagement

Our older population and more vulnerable citizens are supported to maintain their independence and enjoy a high quality of life, and they, their families and carers benefit from effective care and support services

31 Mar 2025

Implement the 2024-25 actions of the Older Peoples Social Support Strategy

People are supported through more informal community resources that are community led

Building based care is available to older people assessed as having critical and substantial needs for social support, as part of balanced support plans / More older people are able to remain active independent and connected in their communities through informal community resources

Our older population and more vulnerable citizens are supported to maintain their independence and enjoy a high quality of life, and they, their families and carers benefit from effective care and support services

31 Mar 2025

Development of an improvement plan following the outcome of the Joint Inspection of Adult Support and Protection Arrangements

Development of improvement plan and delivery against recommendations from the joint inspection

Ensure all recommendations and actions from the inspection are met

Our older population and more vulnerable citizens are supported to maintain their independence and enjoy a high quality of life, and they, their families and carers benefit from effective care and support services

31 Mar 2025

Review of Transitions policy and implementation of updated procedures which will align with national initiatives

Completion of new / updated Transitions Policy to govern transition arrangements from children’s to adult services

Improve transitions experience for Children moving into adult services

Our older population and more vulnerable citizens are supported to maintain their independence and enjoy a high quality of life, and they, their families and carers benefit from effective care and support services

31 Mar 2025

Develop short breaks options and review respite services

Revised respite and short break provision for adults/young people with learning intellectual disabilities

Enhanced respite / short break services, increased choice and enhanced service provision

Our people experience good physical and mental health and wellbeing with access to a quality built and natural environment in which to lead healthier and more active lifestyles

31 Mar 2025

Develop short breaks options and review respite services

Revised respite and short break provision for adults/young people with learning intellectual disabilities

Enhanced respite / short break services, increased choice and enhanced service provision

Our older population and more vulnerable citizens are supported to maintain their independence and enjoy a high quality of life, and they, their families and carers benefit from effective care and support services

31 Mar 2025

Review of Learning Disability accommodation-based services

Review options for future service provision based on 2023 needs assessment and current provision and anticipated transition demand from children’s services and those placed in out of area placements

Ensure that in-house services continue to meet the needs of our community and can ensure that we can meet national expectations set out within the ‘Coming Home’ report

Our people experience good physical and mental health and wellbeing with access to a quality built and natural environment in which to lead healthier and more active lifestyles

31 Mar 2025

Review of Learning Disability accommodation-based services

Review options for future service provision based on 2023 needs assessment and current provision and anticipated transition demand from children’s services and those placed in out of area placements

Ensure that in-house services continue to meet the needs of our community and can ensure that we can meet national expectations set out within the ‘Coming Home’ report

Our older population and more vulnerable citizens are supported to maintain their independence and enjoy a high quality of life, and they, their families and carers benefit from effective care and support services

31 Mar 2025

Develop and implement Phase 2 of the Promise Plan 24/30

Phase 2 Promise Plan developed, published and implemented

Improved outcomes or Care Experienced Young People

Our children and young people are safe, healthy and ready to learn

31 Mar 2025

Ongoing implementation of the Children’s House Project model

Improve outcomes for young people leaving care with the provision of safe, secure permanent tenancies and ensuring young people have the skills to manage their tenancies on their own

Increased number of young people leaving care and moving to own permanent tenancy

Our children and young people are safe, healthy and ready to learn

31 Mar 2025

Redesign services for adult mental health and alcohol and drugs services to develop a recovery focused approach

Development of strategic framework to support the review and renegotiation of adult commissioned services

Enhanced stability of modernised and fit for purpose commissioned sector market

Our older population and more vulnerable citizens are supported to maintain their independence and enjoy a high quality of life, and they, their families and carers benefit from effective care and support services

30 Sep 2025

Devise and deliver year 1 actions of the East Dunbartonshire Dementia Strategy Action Plan

Collaboratively develop suite of actions to locally deliver on the new National Dementia Strategy for Scotland

People living with dementia and their carers have optimum quality of life in their communities

Our people experience good physical and mental health and wellbeing with access to a quality built and natural environment in which to lead healthier and more active lifestyles

31 Mar 2025

Devise and deliver year 1 actions of the East Dunbartonshire Dementia Strategy Action Plan

Collaboratively develop suite of actions to locally deliver on the new National Dementia Strategy for Scotland

People living with dementia and their carers have optimum quality of life in their communities

Our older population and more vulnerable citizens are supported to maintain their independence and enjoy a high quality of life, and they, their families and carers benefit from effective care and support services

31 Mar 2025

Implement Children and Young People’s Mental Health and Wellbeing action plan

Support the improvement of children’s mental health and wellbeing through the implementation of the Children and Young People’s Mental Health and Wellbeing action plan

Improved access to Tier 1 and 2 services to promote early and effective intervention

Our children and young people are safe, healthy and ready to learn

31 Mar 2025

Develop HSCP Strategic Plan 2025 onwards

New Strategic Plan developed in line with Public Bodies (Joint Working) (Scotland) Act 2014

Current strategic plan ends in March 2005 and a new plan is required to be developed

Our children and young people are safe, healthy and ready to learn / Our people experience good physical and mental health and wellbeing with access to a quality built and natural environment in which to lead healthier and more active lifestyles

31 Mar 2025

Develop HSCP Strategic Plan 2025 onwards

New Strategic Plan developed in line with Public Bodies (Joint Working) (Scotland) Act 2014

Current strategic plan ends in March 2005 and a new plan is required to be developed

Our older population and more vulnerable citizens are supported to maintain their independence and enjoy a high quality of life, and they, their families and carers benefit from effective care and support services

31 Mar 2025

Maximise efficiency within in-house adult social services

More efficient in-house services which ensure services are delivered within budget

Reduce hourly unit cost for in house care at home services and reduce the cost of services for in house accommodation with support

Our older population and more vulnerable citizens are supported to maintain their independence and enjoy a high quality of life, and they, their families and carers benefit from effective care and support services

31 Mar 2025

Undertake a review of the Care of Gardens Scheme

Undertake consultation and benchmarking to develop a new Care of Gardens model, operating within the available financial envelope

People are supported to maintain gardens within the confines of available budget

Our people experience good physical and mental health and wellbeing with access to a quality built and natural environment in which to lead healthier and more active lifestyles

31 Mar 2025

Undertake a review of the Care of Gardens Scheme

Undertake consultation and benchmarking to develop a new Care of Gardens model, operating within the available financial envelope

People are supported to maintain gardens within the confines of available budget

Our older population and more vulnerable citizens are supported to maintain their independence and enjoy a high quality of life, and they, their families and carers benefit from effective care and support services

31 Mar 2025

Review of transport provision

Review of current transport policy to be undertaken

Consistent application of existing Transport Policy to be established / Review of Policy to be completed

Our older population and more vulnerable citizens are supported to maintain their independence and enjoy a high quality of life, and they, their families and carers benefit from effective care and support services

31 Mar 2025

Implement actions in the HSCP Digital Strategy

Embed and further develop digital solutions, to support self-management in line with the actions set out in the HSCP Digital Strategy

Conclusion of the digital telecare transformation project with further embedding of digital solutions for service users, including digital monitoring devices and the implementation of the HSCP Digital Action Plan 2023-25

Our people experience good physical and mental health and wellbeing with access to a quality built and natural environment in which to lead healthier and more active lifestyles

31 Mar 2025

Implement actions in the HSCP Digital Strategy

Embed and further develop digital solutions, to support self-management in line with the actions set out in the HSCP Digital Strategy

Conclusion of the digital telecare transformation project with further embedding of digital solutions for service users, including digital monitoring devices and the implementation of the HSCP Digital Action Plan 2023-25

Our older population and more vulnerable citizens are supported to maintain their independence and enjoy a high quality of life, and they, their families and carers benefit from effective care and support services

31 Mar 2025

HSCP Annual Delivery Plan 2024-25

Schedule of priority actions to improve service performance, in support of Strategic Plan delivery

Action Plan arising from external and internal scrutiny of service delivery and designed to deliver on the priorities and enablers set out in the Strategic Plan

Our children and young people are safe, healthy and ready to learn / Our people experience good physical and mental health and wellbeing with access to a quality built and natural environment in which to lead healthier and more active lifestyles

31 Mar 2025

HSCP Annual Delivery Plan 2024-25

Schedule of priority actions to improve service performance, in support of Strategic Plan delivery

Action Plan arising from external and internal scrutiny of service delivery and designed to deliver on the priorities and enablers set out in the Strategic Plan

Our older population and more vulnerable citizens are supported to maintain their independence and enjoy a high quality of life, and they, their families and carers benefit from effective care and support services

31 Mar 2025

2023/24 Performance Indicators

Green is on Target, red is off target, amber is slightly off target
Performance Indicator Title Status Value Target

% of child care Integrated Comprehensive Assessments (ICA) for Scottish Children’s Reporter Administration (SCRA) completed within target timescales (20 days)




% of first Child Protection review case conferences taking place within 3 months of registration




% of first Looked After & Accommodated reviews taking place within 4 weeks of the child being accommodated




% of Adult Protection cases where the required timescales have been met




% of customers (65+) meeting the target of 6 weeks from completion of community care assessment to service delivery




% of CJSW Reports submitted to court by due date




The % of individuals beginning a work placement within 7 working days of receiving a Community Payback Order




Percentage of people 65+ indicating satisfaction with their social interaction opportunities




% of initial Child Protection Case Conferences taking place within 21 days from receipt of referral




% of Social Work Reports Submitted to Child Protection Planning Meetings




Percentage of adults in receipt of services who have had their personal outcomes fully or partially met




% of Court report requests allocated to a Social Worker within 2 Working Days of Receipt




Balance of Care for looked after children: % of children being looked after in the Community


