Community Services Performance Indicators
2023/24 Performance Indicators
Performance Indicator Title | Status | Value | Target |
Average length of time taken to re-let properties in the last year (days) |
red |
75 |
60 |
Percentage of Antisocial behaviour cases reported and resolved |
red |
68% |
85% |
Percentage of tenancy offers refused during the year |
amber |
33% |
27% |
Rent loss due to void properties - Monetary Value |
red |
£236,319.80 |
£130,000.00 |
Percentage of homeless decisions made within 28 days |
green |
97% |
95% |
Number of cases waiting less than 3 years for permanent housing as % of the total number |
green |
100% |
90% |
Percentage of new tenancies sustained for more than a year, by source of let |
green |
95% |
93% |
Total No. Nominations - EDC |
green |
96 |
72 |
Number of targeted underage sales test purchasing visits carried out for all age restricted products where enforcement responsibility lies with Trading Standards Team within Community Protection |
green |
40 |
40 |
Number of targeted decriminalised parking enforcement Initiatives and patrols (Including schools and residential areas) in response to complaints, service requests and intelligence received |
green |
346 |
240 |
Percentage of Environmental Health high risk food safety inspections and public health service request responses delivered within target timescales |
green |
90% |
85% |
Number of targeted co-production Initiatives jointly delivered by the Community Protection Service and Police Scotland |
green |
78 |
48 |