Closing date


Thank you to everyone who took part in this consultation.

We are now collating and analysing the feedback and will update this page again soon.


Local Development Plan 3 – Evidence Gathering – Consultation

27 November 2023 to 31 January 2024

The Council is in the early stages of preparing a new Local Development Plan (LDP3). LDP3 will consider the ambitions and outcomes for the area, looking 20 years ahead. It will be developed through collaboration and based on robust evidence.

The first key step is creating an Evidence Report which sets out the broad concepts that will shape the plan. Once completed, it will provide a foundation upon which the new LDP can be built, with sufficient evidence to inform its content, policies and strategy.

National Planning Context

In preparing the Evidence Report and LDP3, the Council must take the requirements of National Planning Framework 4 (external link opens in new window) into account. Further information on the Evidence Report process can be found by viewing our StoryMap (external link opens in new window).


In preparing the Evidence Report, the planning authority must seek the views of those who it is anticipated will be affected by the plan. The Council is therefore undertaking a public engagement exercise to gather the views of local communities and other interested groups. The engagement will collate evidence and information needed to prepare LDP3 and identify which issues it should try to address.


An online survey has been created to give people the chance to outline key priorities and provide information. In particular, we’re keen to gather opinion and receive comments on key topics such as:

  • Biodiversity, natural places, trees and soils
  • Brownfield and vacant & derelict land
  • Climate change, climate mitigation and adaptation
  • Good design and places
  • Flood risk and water management
  • Housing (including affordable housing)
  • Infrastructure, local living and 20-minute neighbourhoods
  • Retail and town, local and commercial centres
  • Sustainable transport.

Survey now closed.

You can also send any comments or questions by email to:

Postal correspondence can be sent to:

Land Planning Policy, Southbank House, 1 Strathkelvin Place, Kirkintilloch G66 1XQ

The closing date for submissions is Wednesday 31 January 2024 (5pm).

Drop-In Sessions

A series of public information drop-in sessions are being held, where officers will be available to discuss any issues relating to the consultation or overall LDP3 – anyone is welcome to attend.

An online information session will also be held towards the end of the consultation period in January 2024 (date to be confirmed) via Microsoft Teams. This will provide an opportunity for anyone who was unable to attend any of the drop-in sessions to participate in the consultation exercise and engage directly with Council officers. Further details will be provided in due course. Please contact us to register your interest for the online session – email

In-Person Workshop

In addition to the drop-in sessions, a more structured workshop will take place towards the end of the consultation process. This will be primarily intended for key stakeholders wishing to engage on detailed evidence, including key agencies, community organisations, business groups, landowners and the development industry. The workshop will take place in Kirkintilloch Town Hall on Tuesday 23 January 2024 (1.30-3.30pm). For more information and to secure a place, please email