Closing date


This consultation is now closed.

Thank you to everyone who took the time to fill in the survey. We are now collating and analysing your responses.

The poem "What Makes Lennoxtown" was a collaborative text undertaken with an artist-in-residence working with the local community.

Due to the length of the text, it would e challenging to convert it, in its entirety, as a piece of street art.

One idea is to use five favoured stanzas to create welcoming “thresholds” by having the lettering inlaid or cut in to the paving.

As such, we would like to know your five favourite extracts. Which are your five favourites?

What Makes Lennoxtown?


Tiny but energised
Between the city and the hills, green and grey to either side,
A gateway to forest shadow


Listening to the water move, makes you feel calm
Autumn meadow, Lennoxtown looks banging in autumn
The hills can look red
The Glazert with iron running water
Terracotta blush of the sunset at night or a sunrise in the morning
A wonderful sunset as it slowly goes down. 
A warm fireplace sparking with a soft breeze of heat goes through your body like a ghost


Lennoxtown is the end of the runway, before you climb the Campsies
in a fun way, You must stop and walk through it some day.


Everything is warm
Everything is nice and everything is just right


Greenery is everywhere around
The snowdrop fields in spring near the castle
Walking with friends on the Campsie paths
How much you can explore in the woods and everywhere


Shadows on a hilltop
The frosty chill of the cold weather and the snacks out of the Keystore that makes your tongue blue
Sun washed meadow means the sun which never comes out


The sound of laughter echoes thro' the hall?
The elements of life that bloom and grow
A whole part of Lennoxtown is in friendship
We are all Jock Thomson's bairns


If you can't see the hills it's raining
If you can see the hills, it's going to rain
Comfortable and relaxed, it makes me think of Lennoxtown


The colour green means peace to me
Yellow makes me think of sunshine and heat and sun
Both together implies a new beginning


Birds chirping high in the ky
I've got high hopes and I'm on cloud nine


The sheep on the farm, grey morn
The grass and mountains, splash of lime
Summer moss, green spiky grass and the enormous yet beautiful Campsie hills.
Green whimsy of the happy nature   


The land it makes me feel calm and happy
Fresh leaves of nature, the setting is so peaceful
The Co-op and long, long rivers and the silky view from the Campsie


The sun glistening
Rocks, pebbles and reflections
Dancing water, the ponds and waterfalls
Forever blue
Paradise blue
The fresh water of the Campsies


Summer dusk makes me feel happy and relaxed
With the moon as bright as a torch and when the reflection of it gleams off the lamppost
Night vision, summer valley 
Really pretty like


The hills and rivers give you memories
Amazing walks when your feet slowly step on the damp floor
That's an ordinary day in the happy place
When ou start you become part of our community and start a new way