Closing date


This consultation is now closed.

Thank you to everyone who took the time to fill in the survey. We are now collating and analysing your responses.

Hillhead basin is located on the Forth and Clyde Canal in Kirkintilloch, south of the swing bridge at Hillhead Road. It is a popular route for walkers and cyclists.

East Dunbartonshire Council and Scottish Canals are seeking to ensure the south bank towpath of the Forth & Clyde Canal which forms a key route to and from the Town Centre in Kirkintilloch remains fit for purpose and delivers the widest possible range of benefits for its surrounding communities, stakeholders and visitors.

Following on from the Drop In Event at the Kirkintilloch Canal Festival on 27 August 2023 and its associated online survey which ran for one month, proposals have been amended and developed to accommodate your feedback.

In total 427 responses were received to the survey including both online and handwritten feedback received during the drop in event itself.

Following on from the consultation in August proposals have been developed further to better reflect public priorities.

Works proposed to improve the appearance and accessibility of the south bank towpath are as follows: 

  • Upgrade surfacing and create a minimum 3m width to promote shared pedestrian/cycle use
  • Lighting upgrades to LED white light sources to improve safety
  • Provision of clear directional signage linking with the wider path network
  • Restoration of existing heritage metalwork
  • Introduction of additional seating along the length of the route
  • Opportunities for improved interpretation of site and area heritage
  • Increased amenity at each end of the route
  • Removal of some natural regeneration along the canal edge to open up views and improve perceived safety
  • Enhanced planting to improve biodiversity and seasonality wherever possible
  • Design solutions to minimise long term maintenance burden
  • Creation of a secure boundary to minimise anti social behaviour

The proposals can be viewed below and will also be on display at William Patrick Library between Friday 8 March and Friday 22 March 2024.


Plan showing increased path width, seating, picnic area, tree planting and disabled parking along south towpath. Plaza at entrance to Luggiebank Park.

Plaza with bench seating at Luggiebank Park entrance.  Fencing and hedging define boundary. Stone surfacing and signs highlight local heritage.

As part of the consultation process, residents and visitors are being invited to share their views on the proposals by completing a short online survey.

The survey is now closed.

Please note, no funding is currently in place for these works. Proposals developed through this design study will enable funding bids to be made by East Dunbartonshire Council to facilitate delivery.