East Dunbartonshire Adult Protection Committee Consultation on Adult Participation
This consultation is now closed. Thanks to everyone who took the time to complete the survey. Your feedback will be used to shape the Adult Participation Strategy and a report on the consultation findings will be heard at a future East Dunbartonshire Protection Committee.
East Dunbartonshire Adult Protection Committee wants adults at risk of harm to have a positive experience of adult support and protection (ASP), and to be, and feel, safer as a result of the actions that partner agencies take.
To help this happen, the Committee wants to make sure that the adult’s views are listened to, heard and acted on when decisions need to be made to reduce the risks they face, and support them to recover from harm. This is participation at an individual level.
The Committee also wants adults with lived experience to shape, influence and improve how partner agencies work together to support and protect adults at risk of harm in East Dunbartonshire. This is participation at an organisational level.
The strategy contains ambitious plans to improve on what we already have in place at an individual and organisational level, as well as for new activities. The Committee is looking for your views on these activities and proposals and is particularly interested to find out if you think we have identified the right kind of action to take or if we have missed anything important out.
Please read the strategy that is most appropriate for you. The easy-read version of the strategy was co-produced by Adult Day Services.
If you have any questions please contact ASP@eastdunbarton.gov.uk
Survey now closed.