Important announcement

For opening hours and service changes over the festive period, please visit our Festive Information web page.

Assets and Facilities

Assets and Facilities

Title: New Lenzie Academy

Is this activity a consultation or engagement exercise?



Engagement with stakeholders as part of design process for new school


EDC Education, Parent Council, Pupils, Elected Members

How this engagement will be used to inform planning and service delivery

To support the successful delivery of the new school

Planned Start Date: 1 April 2024
End Date: 31 August 2028

Title: Tenant Participation (Housing)

Is this activity a consultation or engagement exercise?



Ongoing engagement with Housing Tenants via Tenant Participation Working Group


Housing Tenants

How this engagement will be used to inform planning and service delivery

To support investment in the housing estate to ensure assets are fit for purpose and meet quality and energy efficiency standards (SHQS, Energy Efficiency etc)

Planned Start Date: Ongoing
End Date: Ongoing

Title: New Westerton Primary School

Is this activity a consultation or engagement exercise?

Consultation and Engagement


Engagement with stakeholders as part of feasibility process for new school and thereafter as part of design process for new school


EDC Education, Parent Council, Pupils, Elected Members

How this engagement will be used to inform planning and service delivery

To support the feasibility process and thereafter successful delivery of the new school

Planned Start Date: 1 April 2023
End Date: Ongoing

Title: New Balmuildy Primary School

Is this activity a consultation or engagement exercise?



Engagement with stakeholders as part of design process for new school


EDC Education, Parent Council, Pupils, Elected Members

How this engagement will be used to inform planning and service delivery

To support the successful delivery of the new school

Planned Start Date: 1 April 2022
End Date: Ongoing

Title: Refurbishment of Bearsden and, Milngavie Primary Schools

Is this activity a consultation or engagement exercise?



Engagement with stakeholders as part of design process


EDC Education, Parent Council, Pupils, Elected Members

How this engagement will be used to inform planning and service delivery

To support the successful delivery of each refurbishment project

Planned Start Date: 1 April 2022
End Date: Ongoing

Title: Strategic Housing Investment Plan

Is this activity a consultation or engagement exercise?



Consultation on annual update to the Council’s Strategic Housing Investment Plan.


Housing Tenants,Scottish Government,Development Stakeholders,Statutory Authorities

How this engagement will be used to inform planning and service delivery

Supports the development of the update to the SHIP.

Planned Start Date: 1 September 2022
End Date: 1 November 2024

Community Services

Community Services

Title: Consultation with local communities via Community Safety Team attendance at community council and other resident meetings

Is this activity a consultation or engagement exercise?



Community Safety Team attendance at local community meetings to determine priorities for delivery of community safety initiatives and action plans within the East Dunbartonshire area


Community representatives attending local community council and resident meetings

How this engagement will be used to inform planning and service delivery

Feedback gathered and used to inform community safety service provision – development of targeted action plans and work to meet the needs and priorities of our local communities.

Planned Start Date: 1 April 2024
End Date: 31 March 2025

Title: Consultation with local community representatives through Community Protection activity at local events

Is this activity a consultation or engagement exercise?



Community Protection Service attendance at local community events - consulting with local community representatives to determine and shape priorities for Community Protection service delivery within the East Dunbartonshire area.


Residents and community representatives attending local community events.

How this engagement will be used to inform planning and service delivery

Feedback gathered and used to inform service provision – development of targeted action plans and work to meet the needs and priorities of our local communities.

Planned Start Date: 01 April 2024
End Date: 31 March 2025

Title: Consultation with representatives from the licensed trade and other liquor licensing stakeholders

Is this activity a consultation or engagement exercise?



Community Protection Service organisation of and attendance at regular licensing meetings and events across the EDC area.


Licensed trade and other liquor licensing stakeholders across the EDC area.

How this engagement will be used to inform planning and service delivery

Feedback gathered and used to develop service provision in relation to liquor licensing enforcement matters.

Planned Start Date: 1 April 2024
End Date: 31 March 2025

Title: Customer satisfaction with Environmental Health interventions

Is this activity a consultation or engagement exercise?



Customer satisfaction survey of customers subject to interventions work delivered by Environmental Health.


A representative portion of the local customers subject to Environmental Health interventions. 

How this engagement will be used to inform planning and service delivery

Feedback gathered and used to develop Environmental Health service provision in relation to interventions delivered

Planned Start Date: 1 April 2024
End Date: 31 March 2025

Title: Locality Plans Monitor Report

Is this activity a consultation or engagement exercise?

 Consultation and Engagement


Produce a collaborative report of progress on all four locality plans


Communities/Community Planning Partners

How this engagement will be used to inform planning and service delivery

Produce and publish progress report.

Planned Start Date: 1 April 2024
End Date: 1 April 2025

Title: LOIP Outcomes Updates and Review with ED Communities

Is this activity a consultation or engagement exercise?

 Consultation and Engagement


A review of LOIP outcomes proposed – particularly post covid pandemic. Monitoring report for 2021/22 completed.


East Dunbartonshire Communities and Community Planning Partners

How this engagement will be used to inform planning and service delivery

Update to LOIP

Planned Start Date: 1 April 2024
End Date: 1 April 2025

Title: Review CAT Policy

Is this activity a consultation or engagement exercise?

 Consultation and Engagement


Review current CAT policy and develop revised CAT policy.


Community Transfer Bodies, Community Planning Partners and wider community organisations

How this engagement will be used to inform planning and service delivery

Produce revised CAT policy and guidance

Planned Start Date: 1 April 2024
End Date: 1 April 2025

Title: Review and develop new BSL Plan 2024-30

Is this activity a consultation or engagement exercise?

 Consultation and Engagement


Review impact of current BSL Plan, report and produce BSL Plan 2024-30


D/deaf community; wider community and community planning partners

How this engagement will be used to inform planning and service delivery

Adopt revised BSL Plan 2024-30

Planned Start Date: 1 April 2024
End Date: 1 April 2025

Title: Review CLD Plan 2021-24 and produce new CLD Plan 2024-27

Is this activity a consultation or engagement exercise?

 Consultation and Engagement


Review impact of current CLD Plan and produce CLD Plan 2024-27


Community Planning Partners, communities and targeted equality groups

How this engagement will be used to inform planning and service delivery

Adopt CLD Plan 2024-27

Planned Start Date: 1 April 2024
End Date: 1 April 2025

Customer Services and Organisational Development

Customer Services and Organisational Development

Title: Budget Consultation

Is this activity a consultation or engagement exercise?

Public Consultation 


Annual undertaking to gathering feedback on Council priorities and budget setting considerations for the following year’s budget setting approach.


Council residents and service users

How this engagement will be used to inform planning and service delivery

The consultation report will inform the development of budget proposals for 2025/2026.

Planned Start Date: August 2024
End Date: August 2024

Title: Employee Survey

Is this activity a consultation or engagement exercise?

Consultation with Workforce


Employee survey is undertaken approximately every two years against an established question set with additional questions as required.


Council employees

How this engagement will be used to inform planning and service delivery

The employee survey informs workforce strategy and employee communications & engagement.

Planned Start Date: Oct/Nov 2024
End Date: Oct/Nov 2024

East Dunbartonshire Leisure and Culture

East Dunbartonshire Pitches Strategy

Title: East Dunbartonshire Pitches Strategy

Is this activity a consultation or engagement exercise?



Consultation with stakeholders in development of new pitches strategy for East Dunbartonshire


All pitch users across EDC, National Governing Bodies

How this engagement will be used to inform planning and service delivery

Gather information on supply and demand for pitches, condition and accessibility and provide robust evidence base for future planning and funding requirements

Planned Start Date: 1 April 2024
End Date: 31 December 2024



Title:  Education Statutory Consultation on the relocation of Lenzie Academy from Myrtle Avenue to Whitegates Playing Fields, Lenzie


Consultation with stakeholders about the detail of the short, medium and long term targets for the Education Service.


All stakeholders

How this engagement will be used to inform planning and service delivery

Consultation will gather the views of all education statutory stakeholders to inform future planning.

Planned Start Date: 31 March 2024End
31 March 2025

Title: Education Service Vision, Values and Aims


Identify Vision, Values and Aims for the Education Service.


All stakeholders

How this engagement will be used to inform planning and service delivery

Consultation will clarify stakeholder priorities and contribute to shaping the Vision, Values and Aims of the Service.

Planned Start Date: 31 March 2024
End Date: 31 March 2025

Title: ASN Provision


Review of Secondary wellbeing units.



How this engagement will be used to inform planning and service delivery

Consultation will inform future planning to deliver high quality provision for vulnerable young people across sectors

Planned Start Date: 31 March 2024
End Date:  31 March 2025

Title: ASN Policy Consultation


Consultation re: Refreshed Policy to support children and young people with learning differences


Staff Young People EDC Parent Forum

How this engagement will be used to inform planning and service delivery

Consultation will gather the views of key stakeholders and contribute to policy development in relation to supporting learners with dyslexia and dyscalculia.

Planned Start Date: 31 March 2024
End Date:  31 March 2025

Title: Strategic plan for Education Estate


Review the strategic plan for the provision of schools and Early Years Centres across the Council.


Education Leadership and Education Assets Board

How this engagement will be used to inform planning and service delivery

Consultation with staff regarding the accommodation strategy linked to the refreshed vision and requirements for education.

Planned Start Date: 31 March 2024
End Date:  31 March 2025

Finance and Digital Services

Finance and Digital Services

Title: Digital development engagement across all Council Services

Is this activity a consultation or engagement exercise?



Seek out opportunities for innovation and transformation through digital development


EDC Senior Leadership Team

How this engagement will be used to inform planning and service delivery

Engagement with SLT and service areas

Planned Start Date: September 2024
End Date: March 2025

Title: Collaboration across Public Sector

Is this activity a consultation or engagement exercise?



Collaborate with public sector partners to exchange best practice, engage on collaboration opportunities and adopt “once for Scotland approach”


EDC Senior Leadership Team

Planned Start Date: April 2024
End Date: March 2025

Title: Smart Working for the Future

Is this activity a consultation or engagement exercise?



Enable business transformation that offers our employees enhanced productivity and collaboration tools to continue our roadmap for Smart working for the future 


All EDC employees

How this engagement will be used to inform planning and service delivery

Engagement with all EDC employees

Planned Start Date: April 2024
End Date: March 2025

Title: Annual Council House Rent

Is this activity a consultation or engagement exercise?



Consultation with tenants on the proposed annual rent review in line with Housing (Scotland) Act 2001.


Tenants and residents, Tenant Participation Working Group,  Elected Members

How this engagement will be used to inform planning and service delivery

Tenants consulted on the proposed annual rent review in line with legislation.

Newsletter with section on rent review issued to all 3700+ tenants for comment.

Planned Start Date: 1 September 2024
End Date: 1 April 2025

Title: Tenant Participation Working Group

Is this activity a consultation or engagement exercise?



Main consultative forum with meetings held 5 times per year. In line with legislation and good practice re tenant participation. The Housing Service facilitates regular meetings to consult with and/or bring to the attention of TPWG members, any proposed changes to service and/or provide information on service performance. TPWG will now be presented with HGIOS, annual & quarterly indicators at meetings.


Tenants and residents, Elected Members,  Executive Officers and Property Maintenance

How this engagement will be used to inform planning and service delivery

Feedback received is used to guide the Housing Service on proposals to Council regarding services and how to improve them.

Planned Start Date: 1 April 2024
End Date: 1 April 2025

Title: Audit feedback forms

Is this activity a consultation or engagement exercise?



Feedback link provided to all internal audit clients.


Internal Audit Clients

How this engagement will be used to inform planning and service delivery

To improve future working practices of the Internal audit team

Planned Start Date: Ongoing

Title: Fraud engagement

Is this activity a consultation or engagement exercise?



Continued engagement with all services and key stakeholders


All Services

How this engagement will be used to inform planning and service delivery

To ensure continual development of an anti-fraud culture.

Planned Start Date: Ongoing

Title: Participatory Budgeting

Is this activity a consultation or engagement exercise?



To obtain residents’ views on budget priorities.


All Services

How this engagement will be used to inform planning and service delivery

To inform budget setting process

Planned Start Date: Ongoing

Health and Social Care Partnership

Health and Social Care Partnership

Title: HSCP Strategic Plan Phase 1 Consultation

Is this activity a consultation or engagement exercise?



Online surveys and attendance at identified stakeholder meetings


HSCP Stakeholders

How this engagement will be used to inform planning and service delivery

Inform the direction of the Strategic Plan

Planned Start Date: 1 June 2024
End Date: 31 August 2024

Title: HSCP Strategic Plan Phase 2 Consultation

Is this activity a consultation or engagement exercise?



Online surveys and attendance at identified stakeholder meetings


HSCP Stakeholders

How this engagement will be used to inform planning and service delivery

Shape the final version of the Strategic Plan

Planned Start Date: 1 December 2024
End Date: 28 February 2025

Title: Self Directed Support Implementation Plan 2024 - 2027

Is this activity a consultation or engagement exercise?



Call for comments on Draft Strategy


All interested stakeholders including: customers/carers/public/HSCP staff/Council staff. Advertised via email and social media

How this engagement will be used to inform planning and service delivery

Comments received regarding the content of the Draft SDS Work Plan will be used to finalise the document before presenting to IJB for approval. Once approved the Plan will be published on the website and updated annually with regard to progress.

Planned Start Date: 1 December 2023
End Date: 2 February 2024

Title: Self Directed Support Process Survey

Is this activity a consultation or engagement exercise?



Survey to gain feedback on assessment, support planning and SDS processes.


Randomly selected number of Option 1, 2 and 3 customers/carers.

How this engagement will be used to inform planning and service delivery

Action plan will be developed to address the issues raised. A Q & A will be included in February 2025 SDS newsletter regarding the issues and outcomes.

Newsletter with section on rent review issued to all 3700+ tenants for comment.

Planned Start Date: Mid July 2024
End Date: Mid September 2024

Title: Older People Local Area Co-ordinators

Is this activity a consultation or engagement exercise?



Survey about community assets usage/membership


Issued to all customers referred to the OPLAC team during 2023/24 who received support to access Community Led Support

How this engagement will be used to inform planning and service delivery

To gain information about use community assets to help maintain membership.

Planned Start Date: Mid August 2024
End Date: Mid October 2024

Title: Evaluating Older People Community Led Assets

Is this activity a consultation or engagement exercise?



Analysing the outcomes for older people attending community led assets.


Leaders/Co-ordinators for older people community led supports running in East Dunbartonshire

How this engagement will be used to inform planning and service delivery

The information will be analysed and reported in the Annual Older People LAC 2025 newsletter to show outcomes achieved by attending Community Led Support.

Planned Start Date: 1 February 2024
End Date: 31 March 2024


Title: Care at Home Services – Staff Survey

Is this activity a consultation or engagement exercise?





Care at Home Staff

How this engagement will be used to inform planning and service delivery

Consultation to contribute to evaluation of service quality and performance improvement planning

Planned Start Date: 1 April 2024
End Date: 31 March 2025

Title: Care at Home Services – Service User Survey

Is this activity a consultation or engagement exercise?





Care at Home Clients

How this engagement will be used to inform planning and service delivery

Consultation to contribute to evaluation of service quality and performance improvement planning

Planned Start Date: 1 April 2024
End Date: 31 March 2025

Title: Home for Me Service -Homecare reablement survey

Is this activity a consultation or engagement exercise?





All Home for Me service users

How this engagement will be used to inform planning and service delivery

Consultation to contribute to evaluation of service quality and performance improvement planning

Planned Start Date: 1 April 2024
End Date: 31 March 2025

Title: Criminal Justice - Service Recipient Questionnaire

Is this activity a consultation or engagement exercise?



Rolling programme of questionnaire-based feedback to gather service recipient information on their experience of work undertaken by the Unpaid Work team and what impact that had.


Individuals and agencies / organisations who have had work done by the Unpaid Work services

How this engagement will be used to inform planning and service delivery

Assists Criminal Justice Service to plan future work projects and assess quality and impact of work undertaken

Planned Start Date: 1 April 2024
End Date: 31 March 2025

Title: Criminal Justice - Service User Feedback

Is this activity a consultation or engagement exercise?



Rolling programme of questionnaire-based feedback to gather service user information on their experience of involvement with the Criminal Justice service.


Individuals who have been involved with the Criminal Justice service

How this engagement will be used to inform planning and service delivery

Assist Criminal Justice Service to assess quality of work undertaken

Planned Start Date: 1 April 2024
End Date: 31 March 2025

Title: Criminal Justice - Annual consultation re: Unpaid Work

Is this activity a consultation or engagement exercise?



Annual consultation with the community to ascertain what their priorities are in respect of what type of unpaid work they would like to be undertaken in their area (legislative requirement)


Individuals and agencies / organisations in the EDC area

How this engagement will be used to inform planning and service delivery

Assist Criminal Justice Service to plan unpaid work plan for coming year

Planned Start Date: 1 April 2024
End Date: 31 March 2025

Title: Criminal Justice - Focus Group/ End of CPO Order Survey

Is this activity a consultation or engagement exercise?



Verbal facilitation in focus group, written questionnaires


Person With Conviction

How this engagement will be used to inform planning and service delivery

Consultation to contribute to evaluation of service quality and performance improvement planning.

Planned Start Date: 1 April 2024
End Date: 31 March 2025

Title: Criminal Justice - Young people in the youth justice system

Is this activity a consultation or engagement exercise?



Gather the views of young people who are involved with the Youth Justice System.


Young people who are involved with the Youth Justice System

How this engagement will be used to inform planning and service delivery

Assists Children & Families Service to assess service quality

Planned Start Date: 1 April 2024
End Date: 31 March 2025

Title: Children and Families -Service user experience of Children and Families Advice and Response Team

Is this activity a consultation or engagement exercise?



Gather the views of Children and Families who have been referred to and received a service from the Advice and Response Team.


Children and Families who have been referred to and received a service from the Advice and Response Team

How this engagement will be used to inform planning and service delivery

Assists Children & Families Service to assess service quality

Planned Start Date: 1 April 2024
End Date: 31 March 2025

Title: Children and Families - Parents/carers of children/young people who are looked after

Is this activity a consultation or engagement exercise?



Gather the views of the parents of children and young people who are looked after


Parents of children and young people who are looked after

How this engagement will be used to inform planning and service delivery

Assists Children & Families Service to assess service quality

Planned Start Date: 1 April 2024
End Date: 31 March 2025

Title: Children and Families -Transition/Exit Interviews for children/young people moving placement

Is this activity a consultation or engagement exercise?



Children and Families -Transition/Exit Interviews for children/young people moving placement


Children and young people who are moving placement

How this engagement will be used to inform planning and service delivery

Assists Children & Families Service to assess service quality

Planned Start Date: 1 April 2024
End Date: 31 March 2025

Title: Children and Families - Children/ young people looked after in Ferndale Residential Unit

Is this activity a consultation or engagement exercise?



Gather the views of young people who are looked after in Ferndale Residential Unit.


Young people who are looked after in Ferndale Residential Unit

How this engagement will be used to inform planning and service delivery

Assists Children & Families Service to assess service quality

Planned Start Date: 1 April 2024
End Date: 31 March 2025

Title: Children and Families - Parents/carers/ Social Workers of children/young people receiving services from Ferndale Children’s Unit

Is this activity a consultation or engagement exercise?



Gather the views of various stakeholders of the Ferndale Children’s Unit.


Ferndale Children’s Unit Stakeholders

How this engagement will be used to inform planning and service delivery

Assists Children & Families Service to assess service quality.

Planned Start Date: 1 April 2024
End Date: 31 March 2025

Title: Children and Families - Parents/carers of children/young people involved in child protection

Is this activity a consultation or engagement exercise?



Gather the views of parents and carers who attend a child protection case conference.


Parents and carers who attend a child protection case conference

How this engagement will be used to inform planning and service delivery

Assists Children & Families Service to assess service quality.

Planned Start Date: 1 April 2024.
End Date: 31 March 2025

Title: Children and Families - 0-5 Drop In Group

Is this activity a consultation or engagement exercise?



Evaluation Questionnaires, Face to Face


Service Users - Parents / Guardians

How this engagement will be used to inform planning and service delivery

Consultation to contribute to evaluation of service quality and performance improvement planning 

Planned Start Date: 1 April 2024.
End Date: 31 March 2025

Title: Care Planning & Placement Team - Foster Carers

Is this activity a consultation or engagement exercise?



Evaluation Questionnaire, focus groups, 1-1


Foster carers

How this engagement will be used to inform planning and service delivery

Consultation to contribute to evaluation of service quality and performance improvement planning

Planned Start Date: 1 April 2024.
End Date: 31 March 2025

Title: Care Planning & Placement Team - Foster Carers / Post Adoption

Is this activity a consultation or engagement exercise?



Monitoring / Service Change Proposal Implementation


Foster carers

How this engagement will be used to inform planning and service delivery

Consultation to contribute to evaluation of service quality and performance improvement planning.

Planned Start Date: 1 April 2024.
End Date: 31 March 2025

Title: Care Planning & Placement Team - Adoption Service Clients

Is this activity a consultation or engagement exercise?



Evaluation Questionnaire, telephone interview with Social Work


Adoption Service Clients

How this engagement will be used to inform planning and service delivery

Consultation to contribute to evaluation of service quality and performance improvement planning

Planned Start Date: 1 April 2024.
End Date: 31 March 2025

Title: Care Planning & Placement Team - Adoption and Fostering Panel

Is this activity a consultation or engagement exercise?



Evaluation Questionnaire/Group work


Adoption and fostering panel

How this engagement will be used to inform planning and service delivery

Consultation to contribute to evaluation of service quality and performance improvement planning

Planned Start Date: 1 April 2024.
End Date: 31 March 2025

Title: Intermediate Care Service - User satisfaction survey

Is this activity a consultation or engagement exercise?





All service users of intermediate care services

How this engagement will be used to inform planning and service delivery

Consultation to contribute to evaluation of service quality and performance improvement planning.

Planned Start Date: 1 April 2024.
End Date: 31 March 2025

Title: Alcohol and Drugs Service -Service user evaluation

Is this activity a consultation or engagement exercise?



Questionnaires, focus groups, interviews


Service Users ADRS

How this engagement will be used to inform planning and service delivery

Consultation to contribute to evaluation of service quality and performance improvement planning.

Planned Start Date: 1 April 2024.
End Date: 31 March 2025

Title: Alcohol and Drug Service - Quality Principles

Is this activity a consultation or engagement exercise?



Questionnaires and focus groups, sometimes 1:1 meetings


Service users and/or staff from commissioned services/internal ADRS staff

How this engagement will be used to inform planning and service delivery

Consultation to contribute to evaluation of service quality and performance improvement planning.

Planned Start Date: 1 April 2024.
End Date: 31 March 2025

Title: Mental Health Team - Service user feedback/ evaluation

Is this activity a consultation or engagement exercise?





All clients on exit of MH service

How this engagement will be used to inform planning and service delivery

Consultation to contribute to evaluation of service quality and performance improvement planning

Planned Start Date: 1 April 2024.
End Date: 31 March 2025

Title: Allander - Service User Feedback/evaluation

Is this activity a consultation or engagement exercise?





Allander service users

How this engagement will be used to inform planning and service delivery

Consultation to contribute to evaluation of service quality and performance improvement planning

Planned Start Date:  Jan 2025.
End Date: February 2025

Title: Allander – Staff Survey

Is this activity a consultation or engagement exercise?





Staff who work in Adult Day Services within the HSCP – Allander, Outlook, Outreach and Local Coordination services.

How this engagement will be used to inform planning and service delivery

Results with be studied and a plan drawn up to address areas where improvement is required. Plan will be reviewed quarterly.

Planned Start Date:  March 2024.
End Date: 30 April 2024

Title: Allander – Leadership Survey

Is this activity a consultation or engagement exercise?





Officers, Assistants and LACs

How this engagement will be used to inform planning and service delivery

Results with be studied and a plan drawn up to address areas where improvement is required. Plan will be reviewed quarterly.

Planned Start Date:  30 June 2024.
End Date: 30 June 2024

Title: LD Services - Service user feedback/evaluation

Is this activity a consultation or engagement exercise?





All service users of LD services

How this engagement will be used to inform planning and service delivery

Consultation to contribute to evaluation of service quality and performance improvement planning.

Planned Start Date:  1 April 2024.
End Date: 31 March 2025

Title: Accommodation with Support Service User 6 Monthly Reviews

Is this activity a consultation or engagement exercise?



Group discussions with family and Social Work


Accommodation with Support Service Users

How this engagement will be used to inform planning and service delivery

Consultation to contribute to evaluation of service quality and performance improvement planning.

Planned Start Date:  1 April 2024.
End Date: 31 March 2025

Title: Local Area Coordination (Autism and Learning Disability, Adult Day Services)

Is this activity a consultation or engagement exercise?



Questionnaire (online and paper format)


Service users of LAC service, their parents and carers and tutors of groups supported by LACs)

How this engagement will be used to inform planning and service delivery

Consultation to contribute to evaluation of service quality and performance improvement planning

Planned Start Date:  1 April 2024
End Date: 31 March 2025

Title: Outreach

Is this activity a consultation or engagement exercise?



Questionnaire (online and paper format)


Service users of Outreach service, their parents and carers and Outreach Staff)

How this engagement will be used to inform planning and service delivery

Consultation to contribute to evaluation of service quality and performance improvement planning

Planned Start Date:  1 April 2024
End Date: 31 March 2025

Title: Care of Gardens

Is this activity a consultation or engagement exercise?

To be confirmed


To be confirmed


Users of the Care of Gardens scheme and general public

How this engagement will be used to inform planning and service delivery

Will inform future delivery model of the Care of Gardens scheme

Planned Start Date:  1 April 2024
End Date: 1 June 2024

Land Planning and Development

Land Planning and Development

Title: Updated Historic Environment Planning Guidance

Is this activity a consultation or engagement exercise?



Consultation on draft updates to the Historic Environment Planning Guidance which supports LDP2, which will also subsume the existing separate planning guidance on Archaeology.


Local residents, businesses and other relevant stakeholders

How this engagement will be used to inform planning and service delivery

The consultation will inform the final content of the guidance which in turn will be used as a material consideration in the determination of planning applications.

Planned Start Date: August 2024
End Date: October 2024

Title: Early Engagement to inform a new Economic Development Strategy

Is this activity a consultation or engagement exercise?



Consultation to seek opinions on the future direction of Economic Development Policy for the area.


Businesses, local residents, community groups and other relevant stakeholders

How this engagement will be used to inform planning and service delivery

The consultation will inform the key priorities and actions to be taken forward in the preparation of the next Economic Development Strategy and the Council’s activities in terms of delivering Local Outcome 1.

Planned Start Date:  January 2025
End Date: March 2025

Title: Draft Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategy Consultation

Is this activity a consultation or engagement exercise?



Consultation on the Draft Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategy


Residents, businesses, housing association, landlords and other relevant stakeholders.

How this engagement will be used to inform planning and service delivery

To establish a coordinated approach to heat decarbonisation and the achievement of fuel poverty targets

Planned Start Date: October 2024
End Date: November 2024

Title: Draft Climate Action Plan Consultation

Is this activity a consultation or engagement exercise?



Consultation on the Draft Climate Action Plan


Residents, businesses, young people and those who influence them and other relevant stakeholders

How this engagement will be used to inform planning and service delivery

To establish a coordinated approach to decarbonisation and climate resilience

Planned Start Date: January 2025
End Date: March 2025

Title: Open Space Audit Focused Consultation

Is this activity a consultation or engagement exercise?



Consultation on draft Open Space Audit


Limited consultation with key groups on the outcome of the Open Space Audit, before inclusion in draft Greenspace Strategy

How this engagement will be used to inform planning and service delivery

Outcome to be included in Greenspace Strategy

Planned Start Date: Autumn 2024
End Date: Autumn 2024

Title: Play Sufficiency Assessment Focused Consultation

Is this activity a consultation or engagement exercise?



Consultation on Play Sufficiency Assessment draft outcomes


Limited consultation with key groups on the outcome of the Play Sufficiency Assessment, before inclusion in draft Greenspace Strategy

How this engagement will be used to inform planning and service delivery

Outcome to be included in Greenspace Strategy

Planned Start Date: Autumn 2024
End Date: Autumn 2024

Title:- Draft Allocations Policy Consultation

Is this activity a consultation or engagement exercise?

Consultation and Engagement


Stakeholder Engagement Workshops followed by Consultation on changes to the Allocations Policy


Council tenants, applicants, Registered Tenant Organisations and any other

How this engagement will be used to inform planning and service delivery

To ensure information and access to Council homes is fair and consistently applied across EDC and in partnership with partner Registered Social Landlords (RSLs

Planned Start Date: June 2024
End Date: April 2025

Title: Draft Allotment Regulations and Allotment Allocation Matrix

Is this activity a consultation or engagement exercise?



Consultation on proposed Allotment Regulations and method for allocating allotments to those on the waiting list


Consultation with existing allotment holders and those on the allotment waiting list

How this engagement will be used to inform planning and service delivery

Responses will inform the finalisation of the Regulations and allocations method

Planned Start Date: July 2024
End Date: August 2024

Title: Campsie Memorial Hall Refurbishment

Is this activity a consultation or engagement exercise?



External stakeholders, key hall users, and internal Council stakeholders are expected to be consulted and encouraged to engage in the refreshment of the project design and development.


Campsie Memorial Hall Trust, Key Hall user groups/ services, potential external and internal services and stakeholders who have advised / confirmed their interest in the project previously.

How this engagement will be used to inform planning and service delivery

Work with a more focused audience is expected to inform the detailed design development and help to meet required delivery timescales needed to meet external funding deadlines and criteria for the project.

Planned Start Date: June 2024
End Date: October 2025

Title: Lennoxtown Main Street Improvement Project

Is this activity a consultation or engagement exercise?



Consultation on the design of the Lennoxtown Main Street Improvement Project with a particular focus on materials, public art, and landscape design. Online, offline and in person consultation will be delivered over a two-week period.


People who live in, work in or visit Lennoxtown.

How this engagement will be used to inform planning and service delivery

Will be used to inform project design and support delivery as these are aspects of the project where there has been limited to no consultation to date.

Planned Start Date: June 2024 
End Date: June 2024 

Title: Events Research Project

Is this activity a consultation or engagement exercise?



Research into customer experience at the Kirkintilloch Canal Festival along with an investigation into how successfully events are delivered across East Dunbartonshire.


Kirkintilloch Canal Festival attendees and organisers of East Dunbartonshire based events

How this engagement will be used to inform planning and service delivery

The aim of this engagement is to gather evidence on the impact of events within East Dunbartonshire to help the Council decide on how events can be best supported in the future.

Planned Start Date: August 2024
End Date: September 2024

Title: Milngavie Umbrella Group

Is this activity a consultation or engagement exercise?

Information sharing


Group made up of representative organisations and Terms of Reference set and agreed by the Groups. EDC Officers facilitate the meetings


Local community groups and businesses

How this engagement will be used to inform planning and service delivery

Raise awareness of activities happening across a range of key local groups Support consultation work, capacity building and plan setting in partnership. Understand synergy and improve community networks.

Planned Start Date: Ongoing
End Date: Ongoing

Title: City Deal – Bishopbriggs

Is this activity a consultation or engagement exercise?

Information sharing and Consultation 


Internal and external stakeholder consultation through meetings, online tools and where possible events and consultation sessions.


Local residents, businesses, internal and external stakeholders.

How this engagement will be used to inform planning and service delivery

Inform projects elements in City Deal Outline Business Case and others for delivery by other means.

Planned Start Date: Ongoing
End Date: Ongoing

Title: A807 Active Travel projects

Is this activity a consultation or engagement exercise?

Information sharing and Consultation 


Internal and external stakeholder consultation through meetings, online tools and where possible events and consultation sessions.


Local residents, businesses, internal and external stakeholders.

How this engagement will be used to inform planning and service delivery

Information shared on the project phases. Where required further consultation on specific sections of the route, building upon consultation already undertaken to inform outline designs.

Planned Start Date: June 2024
End Date: August 2025

Legal and Regulatory Services

Legal and Regulatory Services

Title: Provider Forums


Rolling engagement with providers across each sector in relation to operational, strategic, and financial matters


Providers (commissioned services)

How this engagement will be used to inform planning and service delivery

Service design & quality improvement, Oversight /assurance across registered services, Individual / service outcomes, Inform / enhance strategic & financial decision making, Support and strengthen collaborative commissioning approach.

Planned Start Date: Ongoing
End Date: Ongoing

Title: Service User/Carer Engagement


Visiting services to ensure on-going compliance and or improvement required / implement action plans if/where required


Individuals who receive services, carer’s, families

How this engagement will be used to inform planning and service delivery

Service design & quality improvement, Oversight /assurance across registered services, Individual / service outcomes, Inform / enhance strategic & financial decision making, Support and strengthen collaborative commissioning approach.

Planned Start Date: Ongoing
End Date: Ongoing

Title: Civic Government Licensing

Is this activity a consultation or engagement exercise?

Engagement excercise


Engagement with relevant stakeholders as part of the modernisation of the Council’s civic government licensing conditions, policies, and procedures. As planned changes are brought in there will be consultation with community groups, relevant parts of trade and the wider public.


Customers, stakeholders (including community groups), public sector partners

How this engagement will be used to inform planning and service delivery

Efficient & effective, value for money regulated service which takes account of the needs of applicants, the Council and the wider public

Planned Start Date: 
End Date: 

Title: Gambling – Statement of Principles

Is this activity a consultation or engagement exercise?



Consultation with relevant stakeholders and community as part of introducing the Licensing Board’s new Statement of Principles


Licence holders, stake holders (including community groups, religious bodies) public sector partners.

How this engagement will be used to inform planning and service delivery

Ensure those impacted by the Statement of Principles are afforded an opportunity to comment on the Statement which will inform its creation.

Planned Start Date: Autumn 2024
End Date: Start of 2025

Title: Community Benefits

Is this activity a consultation or engagement exercise?

Engagement exercise


Community assets, Community wealth building Sustainability Tie in with LOIP and attempts to capture community wishes or priorities.


Communities, other public and third sector partners

How this engagement will be used to inform planning and service delivery

Ties into supplier and contract management

Planned Start Date: Winter 2024
End Date: December 2025

Roads and Environment

Roads and Environment

Title: Glazert Water Restoration


Design of improvements along riparian corridor to provide improved flood storage capacity, habitat improvements and increased connectivity.


Local residents, businesses, internal and external stakeholders.

How this engagement will be used to inform planning and service delivery

Returning river to its natural course will manage river flow and reduce risk of flooding properties downstream, in addition to habitat and amenity improvements.

Planned Start Date: March 2020
End Date: May 2024


Title: River Kelvin Tributaries Restoration


Restore the tributaries to promote biodiversity and active travel and reduce flood risk.


Local residents, businesses, internal and external stakeholders.

How this engagement will be used to inform planning and service delivery

Reduce flood risk and provide improved flood storage capacity, habitat improvements.

Planned Start Date: April 2022
End Date: March 2025

Title: Canniesburn Toll Signalisation


Internal and external stakeholder engagement through meetings.


Local residents, businesses, internal and external stakeholders.

How this engagement will be used to inform planning and service delivery

Support LP&D Traffic and Transport Colleagues in the delivery of the appropriate junction and road improvements where applicable to enhance operation and safety and reduce queuing and vehicular delay.

Improvement to junctions/road network affected by development.

Deliver improvements to the A81 Route Corridor to mitigate congestion and improve air quality.

Implement the SCOOT system to improve traffic management.

Planned Start Date: April 2020
End Date: March 2025


Title: Lennoxtown Sustainable Transport Improvements


Information and Consultation Drop In events.

Presentations and awareness raising with regular attendance at community committee meetings and other stakeholder events delivered in partnership with other internal services.


Widespread public awareness raising throughout the project.

How this engagement will be used to inform planning and service delivery

Support LP&D Traffic and Transport Colleagues in the delivery.

Better health and safer routes for walking and cycling.

Reducing inequalities.

Improving access to jobs, services and leisure will be widened for all – including children, older people, and people with disabilities and people on low incomes.

Creating place that is pleasant and practical for walking and cycling, with better pedestrian and cyclist safety to improve people’s lives in many ways, including feeling connected to the community.

Supporting delivery of sustainable economic growth.

Improving the path network while investing in tourism, active travel and recreational walking and cycling.

Planned Start Date: April 2019
End Date: March 2025


Title: Climate Ready Park – Woodhill & Etive Park




Local residents.

How this engagement will be used to inform planning and service delivery

The Streetscene service will organise planting days, volunteering opportunities and provision of food growing sites which will have ongoing monitoring.

Planned Start Date: June 2023
End Date: June 2025


Title: Engagement with Friends of Group


Regular meeting attendance and project development and creation with the following groups (attendance at all Comm Council groups when requested):

  1. Whitefield Pond Group, Lennoxtown
  2. Lennoxtown Project Group, Lennoxtown
  3. Campsie Community Council
  4. Milton of Campsie Community Council
  5. MOC Railway Restoration Project
  6. Friends of Lenzie Moss
  7. Waterside Community Council
  8. Bishopbriggs Community Council
  9. Milngavie in Bloom
  10. Balmore Community Council
  11. Torrance Greenspace Group
  12.  Milngavie Community Council
  13.  Milngavie Development Trust
  14.  King George V Group
  15. Cairnhill Woods Group
  16. Mains Estate Residents Group
  17. Westerton Group
  18. Friends of Bishopbriggs Park
  19. Lenzie Community Council.


Local residents.

How this engagement will be used to inform planning and service delivery

Maintain communication with local communities providing updates on projects and improvement works.

Planned Start Date: April 2023
End Date: March 2024


Title: Play Park Action Plan


Consultation to vote for preferred designs.


Schools/local residents.

How this engagement will be used to inform planning and service delivery

Consultation will be carried out to choose design for all play park work carried out throughout the year.

Planned Start Date: April 2024
End Date: March 2025

Title: Open Space Management Plans


Consultation with local residents to inform creation of management plans


Local residents.

How this engagement will be used to inform planning and service delivery

Consultation will take place to identify opportunities and constraints.

Planned Start Date: April 2024
End Date: March 2025

Title: Pavement Parking


Implementing provision or pavement parking ban within Transport (Scotland) Act 2019.


Authority wide

How this engagement will be used to inform planning and service delivery

Consultation will inform where exemptions will be created

Planned Start Date: April 2024
End Date: March 2025

Title: 20mph


Proposal to make residential areas 20mph


Authority wide

How this engagement will be used to inform planning and service delivery

Consultation will inform if proposals are for signage or traffic calming

Planned Start Date: April 2024
End Date: March 2025

Title: Implement 3 weekly residual waste collection service.


Provide information to residents on new collection frequency, collections days and address all capacity concerns with larger families and medical waste. Accurately record the impact of the new service delivery in relation to overall tonnage distribution and costs.


Residents, Contractors and Elected Members

How this engagement will be used to inform planning and service delivery

Working in partnership with Corporate Communication to communicate changes through campaigns and social media platforms. Letters will be distributed to individual householders addressing changes to collection days and new service implementation dates. Technical staff will be visible on routes.

Planned Start Date: June 2024
End Date: December 2024

Title: Introduce garden waste charging permit.


Develop and implement a new charging permit for householder for the collection of garden waste.  

Accurately record participation in the scheme and impact of the scheme on recycling rates.


Residents, Contractors and Elected Members.

How this engagement will be used to inform planning and service delivery

Working in partnership with both Corporate Communications and Business Change teams to communicate the changes and requirements and adopt a new IT solution that will ensure accessibility for householders to obtain a permit. Technical staff will monitor and encourage participation. 

Planned Start Date: April 2024
End Date: August 2024

Title: Apply new legislation / regulations on the disposal and treatment of Persistent Organic Pollutants.


New regulations published in October 2023 requiring complete separation and treatment of all Waste Upholstery Domestic items containing Persistent Organic Pollutants.


Residents, employees and Contractors

How this engagement will be used to inform planning and service delivery

New separation arrangements created at household waste recycling centre and within bulky waste collection scheme. Information provided through signage, briefing notes and website. Tonnage information obtained and feedback gained from other department to monitor impact of change.

Planned Start Date: April 2024
End Date: March 2025