We are committed to ensuring that the consultation methods we use meet the needs of everyone who wishes to take part. We will provide any printed, electronic, face-to-face or telephone information relating to a consultation in an alternative format or language on request.

For public events we also aim to accommodate any specific needs on request. If you have any needs which would help you attend an event please call 0300 123 4510 or email customerservices@eastdunbarton.gov.uk

Read our Consultation and Engagement Strategy 2024 - 2027.

Active Consultations

4 result(s)
Title Summary Audience Closing Date

Economic Development Strategy Consultation

Consultation is taking place to help shape the new Economic Development Strategy, which aims to support jobs, productivity, investment, and access to goods and services, while creating wellbeing for the people of East Dunbartonshire.



East Dunbartonshire Council – Taxi Fares Review

The Council is undertaking a review of the maximum fares and other charges which can be made in connection with the hire of a taxi in its area.



Twechar Pump Track: Community Consultation

East Dunbartonshire Council has commissioned Green Action Trust to engage with local residents and young people to gauge interest in the creation of an outdoor pump track for community use.



Letting Review Consultation

East Dunbartonshire Council has a large number of premises/resources available for use by the community, including schools, halls, outdoor sports pitches and community centres. It is now time to review the Council’s Letting Policy, and we are keen to gather the thoughts and views of relevant stakeholders on a number of points relating to letting.
