Important announcement

For opening hours and service changes over the festive period, please visit our Festive Information web page.


Scotland's 32 local Authorities have adopted a new approach to comparing performance and outcomes. This benchmarking data will help the 32 Scottish councils improve local services for local communities by shifting focus away from processes and league tables - and onto efficiency, effectiveness and outcomes.

A report on the national overview data is available on theImprovement Service website.

The data benchmarks each local authority's performance and/or outcomes across a wide range of  indicators, including:

  • The proportion of pupils entering 'positive destinations' on leaving school
  • Percentage of children being looked after in the community
  • Sickness absence days per employee
  • Percentage of people aged 65+ with intensive needs receiving care at home
  • The cost per dwelling of collecting council tax
  • Percentage of income due from council tax received by the end of the year
  • Percentage of invoices sampled that were paid within 30 days
  • Percentage of adults satisfied with libraries, leisure facilities, street cleaning and refuse