• Report by:

    Ann Davie, Chief Executive

  • TN Number:


  • Subject:

    Scottish Climate Intelligence Service Roadshow

  • Responsible Officer:

    Heather Holland, Chief Planning Officer Executive Officer – Land Planning & Development

  • Publication:

    This Technical Note will be published on the Council’s website following circulation to Members. Its contents may be disclosed or shared outwith the Council.

  • The Scottish Climate Intelligence Service (SCIS) was established in 2024 to support local authorities in delivering climate action at scale and pace, and wider benefits for adaptation, nature, health and equality. The Service is delivered in partnership between the Edinburgh Climate Change Institute and the Improvement Service with funding from the Scottish Government and all 32 local authorities in Scotland. East Dunbartonshire Council officers are working with the Service to support the development of The Council’s Climate Action Plan and related policy actions. 
  • In partnership with Swedish technology company ClimateView, SCIS provides every local authority area with:
    • A data platform to plan and track interventions that will help to drive action towards net zero. The ClimateView platform has inbuilt modelling, allowing users to explore different decarbonisation pathways, as well as a public-facing dashboard to inform engagement with external stakeholders
    • Hands-on capacity building support to local authority officers through training, drop-in sessions, resources and 1-1 meetings. Each local authority can rely on the specialised support of a Local Lead, their go-to contact as part of a regional grouping of local authorities
  • SCIS is running a roadshow to provide an overview of their work and the ClimateView data platform. The roadshow will be at the following locations and dates, in each case running from 10am-4.30pm:
  • The agenda will be the same for each event. Full information including the location of the venue, which will be in the city centre, will be advised in due course.  The Roadshow is designed for senior managers, climate change teams and officers from service areas across the local authority who can benefit from the programme.  SCIS are actively encouraging the invitation to be shared with Elected Members and colleagues from other relevant service areas (such as Economic Development, Energy, Estates, Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategies, Planning and Development, Transport)
  • If you wish to attend one of the events, please sign up using the Eventbrite link and email Robbie Seale, Sustainability Team Leader Robert.Seale@eastdunbarton.gov.uk to confirm that you will be attending. Please do not hesitate to email with any questions or requests for additional information that you may have.