Important announcement

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  • Report by:

    Alan Bauer, Executive Officer – Assets & Facilities

  • TN Number:


  • Subject:

    Bearsden Primary School Refurbishment

  • Responsible Officer:

    Alan Bauer, Executive Officer – Assets & Facilities

  • Publication:

    This Technical Note will be published on the Council’s website following circulation to Members. Its contents may be disclosed or shared outwith the Council.

Technical Note details

  1. The purpose of this Technical Note is to provide an update on progress with the advance package of refurbishment works at Bearsden Primary School. In September 2024, Council approved a Report which instructed officers to proceed to contract close for an advance package of refurbishment works at Bearsden Primary School (report ref: EDC-035-24-AD Capital Projects Update – September 2024).

  2. The construction delivery agreement for the project has now been agreed and site establishment works are underway at the school, which will culminate in the installation of 2no. temporary classrooms and contractor storage / office accommodation in December. A sample window will also be replaced before Christmas.

  3. The works in practice will commence from January onwards and includes the replacement of windows, priority areas of stonework repair and a replacement of the boiler system. During the course of the project, regular meetings will take place between the project and school management team to ensure minimum disruption to the operation of the school.

  4. On-going updates on the project will continue to be provided via the regular General Fund Capital Programme Monitoring Report submitted for consideration at the Policy & Resources Committee.