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  • Report by:

    Ann Davie, Chief Executive

  • TN Number:


  • Subject:

    Capital Funding - Response from Scottish Government

  • Responsible Officer:

    Ann Davie, Chief Executive

  • Publication:

    This Technical Note will be published on the Council’s website following circulation to Members. Its contents may be disclosed or shared outwith the Council.

At its meeting of 26th September, Item 7: East Dunbartonshire Forward in Partnership – Strategic Planning and Performance Update, East Dunbartonshire Council agreed as follows:

“Notes following consideration of this Report and as instructed by Council on 21 August that the Chief Executive will write to the First Minister on behalf of the Council (copying in the directly elected and list MSPs, and the Chancellor of the Exchequer and local MPs) asking for the Capital Grant required to allow East Dunbartonshire Council to proceed with the 3 projects for the rebuild of Balmuildy Primary and the refurbishment of Bearsden and Milngavie Primaries.”

A copy of the letter to the First Minister (Appendix 1) and the response from the Scottish Government (Appendix 2) are attached for Members’ information.