• Report by:

    Alan Bauer, Executive Officer - Assets & Facilities

  • TN Number:


  • Subject:

    Milngavie Primary School Repairs

  • Responsible Officer:

    Alan Bauer, Executive Officer - Assets & Facilities

  • Publication:

    This Technical Note will be published on the Council’s website following circulation to Members. Its contents may be disclosed or shared outwith the Council.


  1. The purpose of this Technical Note is to provide Members with an update on repairs at Milngavie Primary School as referenced at Council on 21 August 2024.
  2. Officers in Estates have been working through an agreed list of temporary, cost effective remedial works at Milngavie Primary School during the Easter and Summer holidays, pending commencement of the Milngavie Primary School refurbishment project. The full list and current status of each repair is detailed within the attached document. 
  3. At the meeting of the 21st August, Council agreed to pause the refurbishment project given current financial constraints. As a result, officers are reviewing the list of works with the intention of undertaking more permanent repairs until such times as the project can be progressed. For example, where temporary repairs have been actioned, such as plywood covering damaged vinyl flooring, this will now be repaired to match the existing flooring. There are a small number of outstanding works that will be completed as part of this next phase of works which will include painterwork to refresh the look and feel of the school. Officers are in the process of obtaining quotes for this work. 
  4. Concerns remain with respect to the condition of the roof of both the upper and lower school buildings. Despite significant efforts over the first half of the year to repair both, each building continues to experience localised water ingress during periods of heavy rainfall. Additional surveys are due to complete shortly to try and identify how this can be further prevented. In parallel with this work, officers are now assessing options and costs for the replacement of both roofs and will report on this in due course, referencing the detailed design information gathered to support the refurbishment project. Similar to Bearsden Primary School roof, the replacement of the roofs at Milngavie Primary School are likely to be extremely challenging from a logistics perspective and all options and costs will need to be carefully considered before those can be reported for further consideration. 
