Technical Notes 2022, Issue 84 -Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS)
1. The purpose of this Technical Note is to provide Members with details of the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS), the benefits, auto-enrolment and opting out of the pension scheme.
2. The LGPS in Scotland is a tax approved, defined benefit occupational benefit scheme. It is open to local government employees and Councillors amongst others.
3. The LGPS provides:-
- a pension based on your pensionable pay (or in the case of Councillors, allowance);
- a pension that keeps pace with inflation;
- a pension for your surviving spouse or partner on your death;
- a tax free lump sum in exchange for some of your pension;
- death in service protection of three times your pensionable pay as a tax free lump sum;
- an ill health pension paid from any age provided you have two years’ service but are permanently unable to work; and
the Council will pay most of the cost and your own contributions are tax free.
4. The Council is legally obliged to enrol you in a pension scheme every 3 years. You will have the option to leave the scheme again right away. Following the election the Council is obliged to enrol any new Members as part of processing allowances. If you wish to opt out of auto enrolment please complete the undernoted form
5. For more information on the LGPS please see the information below provided by the Strathclyde Pension Fund Office (SPFO)
6. For specific pension details relating to your personal circumstances, please contact the SPFO for expert advice.
Strathclyde Pension Fund Office, PO Box 27001, Glasgow G2 9EW
Tel 0345 890 8999
(current office hours are between 08:45 and 16:45 Monday to Thursday and 08:45 to 15:55 on a Friday.)
7. If you have any queries regarding the above, or require any assistance, please contact Karen Donnelly or Martin Cunningham in the first instance.